Monday, March 14, 2022

Essay air pollution

Essay air pollution

August essay air pollution, pm. As we have seen that there are many negative effects of air pollutants, it is very important to control it. There are reports of traffic accidents because of smog on the roads. These fine particulate matter are smaller than 2. Which is very helpful in making the whole country free from polluted air.

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Home » Air Pollution Essay. Air pollution is the mixing of any harmful substances with the atmosphere, which affects the fresh air, essay air pollution, human health, quality of life, etc. on a large scale. In this article Essay on Air Pollutionwe had provided the various essays in different word limits, which you can use as per your need:. Air pollution is increasing day by day as industries grow, such polluted air, although essay air pollution throughout the atmosphere and affects the lives of people all over the world. Polluted air is a factor in lungs disorders and even lungs cancer, thus affecting health as well as other body parts.

Air pollution has reached its peak by essay air pollution destroying the entire ecosystem and affecting the life of trees, animals and also affecting the entire environment by allowing harmful hot radiation of the sun on the earth. Also, read the Essay on Air Pollution words. The leakage of many harmful gases or hazardous elements from such sources is polluting the entire atmosphere. Essay air pollution ozone layer is also being greatly affected due to air pollution, which is causing serious disruption in the environment.

Due to the over the increase in the population of human beings, their need is also increasing, which is the main cause of pollution. In the process of industrialization, the aggressive handling of many harmful gases, particles, paints and essay air pollution, cigarettes, etc. release carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other toxic gases into the atmosphere. All types of pollution are associated with the environment, which invites the harmful rays of the sun to the earth by damaging the ozone layer. To reduce the level of air pollution, we have to bring about big changes in our activities daily.

We should not cut the trees to reduce the effects of air pollution, use public transport, use prohibit sprinkler and do such activities that help prevent pollution in the environment, essay air pollution. At present, air pollution is the biggest problem in big cities all over the world especially due to industrialization. Fog, smoke, particulates, solids, essay air pollution, etc. leakage into the environment which causes poor environmental conditions in the city due to which people get dangerous health-related diseases. People spread a lot of dirty waste daily, especially in big cities which contribute to pollution in the city environment on a very large scale.

Smoke and polluted gases from a motorcycle bikeindustrial process, waste burning etc. contribute to the air pollution. Some natural pollutants like dust, soil particles, natural gases etc. are also sources of air pollution. When pure fresh air is polluted due to dust, smoke, toxic gases, motor vehicles, mills and factories, essay air pollution, etc. Essay air pollution natural and some human resources are factors of air pollution, essay air pollution, however, most of the air pollution is caused by human activities such as burning of fossils, coal and oil, releasing harmful gases and substances from factories and motor vehicles.

Essay air pollution harmful chemical elements like carbon oxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon mono oxide, sulfur oxide, essay air pollution, essay air pollution etc. are getting mixed in the fresh air. Other sources of air pollution are the decomposition of waste in the landfill and the removal of methane gas which is very harmful to health from the process of neutralization of solids. Rapidly increasing population, industrialization, increase in use of automated vehicles, aeroplanes, etc. have made a genuine natural issue. The air we breathe every moment is completely polluted which goes through the blood circulation in our lungs and throughout the body and causes countless health problems.

Polluted air destroys trees, plants, animals and humans either directly or indirectly. Also, read Air Pollution Essay Conclusion. If the policies that protect the environment are not seriously and strictly followed leads to the rising level of air pollution could increase on an annual basis of 1 million tons in the coming decades. As we all know, fresh air is a very important factor for a healthy life, we need to think, what will happen when the air of the whole environment becomes dirty. Some of the major big factors of air pollution are the use of toxic fertilizers, pesticides etc. by inexperienced farmers to increase their crop yield. Chemical and hazardous gases ammonia are released from these fertilizers and combined into air pollution. Burning of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum including firewood from other factories, etc.

are the main issues of air pollution. Various types of smoke originating from motor vehicles and automatic vehicles such as cars, buses, bikes, trucks, jeeps, trains, aeroplanes, etc. are also the cause of air pollution. Toxic industrial fumes and harmful gases such as carbon mono oxide, organic compounds, hydrocarbons, chemicals, etc. are released into the environment from factories and mills due to the increasing number of industries. Some essay air pollution activities like using unaware cleaning producers for cleaning, washing powder, paint etc. also releases the several toxic chemicals into the air.

The ever-increasing pollution levels have also worsened the negative and harmful effects on the health of its living. Air pollution is also the reason for the increase in global warming because the temperature of the atmosphere is increasing due to the increase in the level of greenhouse gases. These greenhouse gases increase the greenhouse effect and rising sea level, melting of glaciers, changing of seasons, changing of climate, etc. Increasing air pollution is causing many fatal diseases cancer, heart attack, asthma, bronchitis, renal diseases etc. and death. Many important animal and plant species have been destroyed on this planet. The increase of harmful gases in the environment is causing acid rain and erosion of the ozone layer. The constant increase of harmful and toxic substances in the fresh air of the atmosphere is the cause of air pollution.

Pollution caused by various external substances, toxic gases and other human actions affects fresh air which then adversely affects human life, plants and animals. The level of air pollution depends on all the pollution that comes from different sources. The topography and weather conditions are increasing the endurance essay air pollution pollution. In industries, the amount of emissions of harmful gases from various types of raw materials used in the manufacturing process is increasing. Increasing population density is demanding more industrialization, which ultimately causes air pollution. Some natural sources of air pollution such as volcanic eruptions, volcanoes ash, carbon dioxide, smoke, dust and other gasescontraction, dust, sea and ocean salinity, soil particles, storms, forest fires, cosmic particles, Rays, bombardment of asteroid materials, comet sprays, pollen grains, fungal spores, viruses, essay air pollution, etc.

Man-made means of air pollution are industry, agriculture, energy plants, automated vehicles, domestic sources etc. Man-made means include some air pollution such as smoke, essay air pollution, dust, smoke, particulate matter, gas from the kitchen, household heat, smoke from various vehicles, use of pesticides, toxic gases used to kill weeds, the heat coming out of the plants is from fly ash etc. As the number of air pollution increases, it is divided into two types, primary pollution and secondary pollution. Primary pollution directly affects fresh essay air pollution and smoke, ash, dust, essay air pollution, smoke, mist, spray, inorganic gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, is emitted from the nitric oxide and radioactive compounds.

Secondary pollutants which affect the air indirectly by chemically reacting with primary factors such as sulfur trioxide, ozone, hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, etc. Air pollution is pollution due to which human health is getting worse every day and it is also having a very bad effect on the environment. This pollution is playing a major role in thinning the layer of ozone, due to which you will feel as if the air has been polluted as soon as you step outside the house. One can see the clouds of smoke coming out of the chimneys of buses, scooters, cars, factories like fly ash particles of ash scattered in the air from the thermal power plants is polluting the air, cars is increasing the pollution on the road, cigarette smoke is also second in polluting the air.

It is a semi carbon produced from petrol, diesel fuel and wood burning, it is also produced from cigarettes. This creates a decrease in oxygen, also causes trouble in our sleep. It is a greenhouse gas, essay air pollution. When humans burn coal oil and natural gas, burning of these produces carbon dioxide gas. When it is used for air conditioning and refrigeration, its particles reach the stratosphere of our atmosphere, by mixing with air and damaging the ozone layer consisting of other gases. This ozone layer protects animals and flora on the ground from ultraviolet rays damaging the sun. This is why chloro-fluoro carbon is a big threat to humans and another biological world. Lead is especially found in diesel, petrol, batteries, paint and hair dyes etc.

and it affects the children. This worsens the functioning of the brain and stomach and also cause cancer. The ozone layer is the uppermost layer of the stratosphere in the atmosphere and it is a characteristic and important gas. Its function is to prevent the harmful ultraviolet rays coming from the sun on the earth surface. Yet it is highly contaminated on the ground surface and also poisonous. Ozone emanates in large numbers from clusters. Ozone causes watery eyes and irritation. This causes fog and acid rain. This gas is produced by the burning of petrol, diesel and coal. This causes many types of diseases in children which are common in winter. Suspended Particulate Matter SPM : These are solids, fumes and dust particles in the air which remain in the air for a particular time.

Due to which the lungs are damaged and have trouble breathing. Sulfur dioxide is also present in gases used to melt metal and prepare the paper. This gas is very helpful in producing haze and in acid rain, essay air pollution. Sulfur dioxide causes lung diseases. Also, read 1. Water Pollution Essay 2, essay air pollution. Water Conservation Essay 3. Environment Essay. Urbanization has led to the exploitation of natural resources, essay air pollution has led to constant pollution in the atmosphere. Effect of all pollution is harmful and to protect the environment, we have to plant more and more trees.

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The vehicle fleet projected at current growth rates […]. During the Industrial Revolution the urbanization of cities and the rise in factories in the US contributed to environmental damage and the health hazards of humans through pollution. This quote, Industries discharged foul, sometimes toxic, solid, liquid, and gaseous wastes into the surrounding air, water, and land Rosen, tells us how unregulated factories expelled […]. Introduction Houston has been facing an air pollution problem which affects our daily lives. With the establishment of numerous companies and refineries, the smokes and the chemicals that come out from them and the enormous amount of automobiles use contribute to air pollution.

The quality of air that Houstonians have been inhaling is bad for […]. Environment refers to the surroundings. These could either be people, houses, factories or anything visible. Policy, on the other hand, is a term used to point out at rules or guidelines set to govern or protect something. In this case, the rules are set to guide the surrounding Wu Air pollution comes in when […]. The development of technologies and the demands of human beings are creating severe problems to our planet. Global warming and polluted environment are being reinforced due to the human activities. This is also occurring in my country. Vietnam is developing, so the processes of industrialization are strongly pushed by my government.

Tons of gas and […]. The quality of the air influences a lot in people lives. Living in an environment free of pollution supposes a better quality of life. In most cases we do not even know the way in which this pollution affects us. According to the World Health Organization website, because air pollution, around 7 million people died […]. Pollution is a word that is commonly used around us. We hear it on the way to school, on the news and even while eavesdropping on elderly people just taking a ride on the train. So what exactly does pollution mean? And how did it become a topic that is now widely discussed? What is […]. Cities can promote public transportation in many ways.

However, many cities fail to do so. They make the postulation that people will utilize public transportation only if they optate to, and it does not require to be promoted. This is far from the truth. Many people may not ken about transportation options in their city, […]. In order to understand climate change you need to understand the difference between weather and climate. Weather happens over a short period of time while climate happens over a longer period of time. The U. government should take aggressive steps to address climate change because it is there responsibility to keep us informed about air pollution,increase […]. Pollution has a catastrophic effect in the world today and our future. Its caused by the process of making new land, water , air or other parts of the environment that are unsanitary and not able to be used.

Simple abiotic factors such as light, sound, and temperature can be considered as a pollutants once […]. Air pollution is a type of environmental pollution that affects the air and mostly happens because of smoke or other harmful gases, mainly oxides of carbon, sulphur, and nitrogen. It occurs when those gases are introduced into the atmosphere in a way that makes it harmful to humans, animals, and plant. When cars burn gasoline, they emit pollutants. Gasoline fumes escape into the air even when we pump gasoline into our fuel tanks. There are a large number of pollutions that come from cares, the first one is when cars produce carbon monoxide. Last, When fuel burns, nitrogen and oxygen react with each other and form nitrogen oxides and that pollutes the air.

The air pollution causes a lot of problems like global warming, climate change and it also ruins the environment. An example is that air pollution impacts the process of photosynthesis in many cases, with serious consequences for the purification of the air we breathe. A solution that was invented for air pollution from cars was the Tesla. Tesla is an American automotive and energy company based in California. The main difference between normal cars and Teslas is powering. If gas is the number one fuel for cars around the world, Tesla cars are using electricity as their fuel. This makes a huge impact on the environment pollution as electricity lives no trace whatsoever in the air and the noise is minimal.

Aside from air pollution, cities are battling with enormous sound pollution, and if cars become powered by electricity globally, a lot of the environmental problems that I listed will be solved just with this change. Tesla cars do not need oil at all. Tesla cars work with a powerful battery, which is charged with electricity. This gives juice for the car to run for a certain period of time. This battery is a little similar to the batteries that you can find in your laptop and smartphone, you charge it, it drives for a couple kilometers and then you need to charge it again.

Tesla uses lithium-ion batteries in order to power up their supercars. These batteries are extremely powerful. In fact, a battery that you can find in a Tesla car is made out of thousands of lithium-ion cells and weights at least a thousand pound. Tesla cars work with a small motor, which is about the size of a watermelon. This is one of the latest innovations in electronic engineering. It converts electrical energy drawn from the batteries to mechanical power in order to move the vehicle. This is a more efficient technology when compared to the combustion engines that you can find on traditional cars. In other words, people who drive Tesla cars will be able to get a longer range for their charge, which can help them to save money in the long run.

In conclusion, I think that Teslas are one of the best solutions for air pollution right now. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics. Environmental Air Pollution Monitoring System Abstract Over the few Decades there is a rapid growth in the transportation facilities. Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Earth is surrounded by air made up of a mixture of extremely important gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen.

Air Pollution Scrubber Introduction Air pollution in urban areas has become an issue affecting human health to a degree unprecedented in human history. EPA Activities for Cleaner Air: San Joaquin Valley The San Joaquin Valley is a very uniquely situated area within the interior of California and due to its geographical location, there are both positive and negative effects. The ozone layer is also being greatly affected due to air pollution, which is causing serious disruption in the environment. Due to the over the increase in the population of human beings, their need is also increasing, which is the main cause of pollution.

In the process of industrialization, the aggressive handling of many harmful gases, particles, paints and batteries, cigarettes, etc. release carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other toxic gases into the atmosphere. All types of pollution are associated with the environment, which invites the harmful rays of the sun to the earth by damaging the ozone layer. To reduce the level of air pollution, we have to bring about big changes in our activities daily. We should not cut the trees to reduce the effects of air pollution, use public transport, use prohibit sprinkler and do such activities that help prevent pollution in the environment. At present, air pollution is the biggest problem in big cities all over the world especially due to industrialization.

Fog, smoke, particulates, solids, etc. leakage into the environment which causes poor environmental conditions in the city due to which people get dangerous health-related diseases. People spread a lot of dirty waste daily, especially in big cities which contribute to pollution in the city environment on a very large scale. Smoke and polluted gases from a motorcycle bike , industrial process, waste burning etc. contribute to the air pollution. Some natural pollutants like dust, soil particles, natural gases etc. are also sources of air pollution.

When pure fresh air is polluted due to dust, smoke, toxic gases, motor vehicles, mills and factories, etc. Some natural and some human resources are factors of air pollution, however, most of the air pollution is caused by human activities such as burning of fossils, coal and oil, releasing harmful gases and substances from factories and motor vehicles. Such harmful chemical elements like carbon oxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon mono oxide, sulfur oxide, solids etc. are getting mixed in the fresh air. Other sources of air pollution are the decomposition of waste in the landfill and the removal of methane gas which is very harmful to health from the process of neutralization of solids.

Rapidly increasing population, industrialization, increase in use of automated vehicles, aeroplanes, etc. have made a genuine natural issue. The air we breathe every moment is completely polluted which goes through the blood circulation in our lungs and throughout the body and causes countless health problems. Polluted air destroys trees, plants, animals and humans either directly or indirectly. Also, read Air Pollution Essay Conclusion. If the policies that protect the environment are not seriously and strictly followed leads to the rising level of air pollution could increase on an annual basis of 1 million tons in the coming decades.

As we all know, fresh air is a very important factor for a healthy life, we need to think, what will happen when the air of the whole environment becomes dirty. Some of the major big factors of air pollution are the use of toxic fertilizers, pesticides etc. by inexperienced farmers to increase their crop yield. Chemical and hazardous gases ammonia are released from these fertilizers and combined into air pollution. Burning of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum including firewood from other factories, etc. are the main issues of air pollution. Various types of smoke originating from motor vehicles and automatic vehicles such as cars, buses, bikes, trucks, jeeps, trains, aeroplanes, etc.

are also the cause of air pollution. Toxic industrial fumes and harmful gases such as carbon mono oxide, organic compounds, hydrocarbons, chemicals, etc. are released into the environment from factories and mills due to the increasing number of industries. Some domestic activities like using unaware cleaning producers for cleaning, washing powder, paint etc. also releases the several toxic chemicals into the air. The ever-increasing pollution levels have also worsened the negative and harmful effects on the health of its living. Air pollution is also the reason for the increase in global warming because the temperature of the atmosphere is increasing due to the increase in the level of greenhouse gases.

These greenhouse gases increase the greenhouse effect and rising sea level, melting of glaciers, changing of seasons, changing of climate, etc. Increasing air pollution is causing many fatal diseases cancer, heart attack, asthma, bronchitis, renal diseases etc. and death. Many important animal and plant species have been destroyed on this planet. The increase of harmful gases in the environment is causing acid rain and erosion of the ozone layer. The constant increase of harmful and toxic substances in the fresh air of the atmosphere is the cause of air pollution.

Pollution caused by various external substances, toxic gases and other human actions affects fresh air which then adversely affects human life, plants and animals. The level of air pollution depends on all the pollution that comes from different sources. The topography and weather conditions are increasing the endurance of pollution. In industries, the amount of emissions of harmful gases from various types of raw materials used in the manufacturing process is increasing. Increasing population density is demanding more industrialization, which ultimately causes air pollution. Some natural sources of air pollution such as volcanic eruptions, volcanoes ash, carbon dioxide, smoke, dust and other gases , contraction, dust, sea and ocean salinity, soil particles, storms, forest fires, cosmic particles, Rays, bombardment of asteroid materials, comet sprays, pollen grains, fungal spores, viruses, bacteria, etc.

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