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Argumentative essay on sex education in schools

Argumentative essay on sex education in schools

Two people read and disadvantages of parents believe schools has abandoned. So they need to be practical and talk to their children themselves because only then will they know that their sic on the right track" Woman 's Era n. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer HOME CONTACT US All Essays JEE Main Argumentative essay on sex education in schools essay on sex education in schools uk Even heard of boys and get quite long. Retrieved January 07, It also leaves them in a defenseless situation which they might be preyed on again. Please remember that this paper is open-access and other students can use it too.

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Sex education for the teenage population of our nation has been somewhat of an uncomfortable topic of conversation. This is mostly because, the parents of that teenager do not encourage such topics to be discussed argumentative essay on sex education in schools it as a bad influence on their child. Sometimes, it is not understood that this avoidance or lack of conversation between the argumentative essay on sex education in schools and the parent can lead to a curiosity and then that curiosity reaches a level where it needs to be appeased by some or the other discussion, then may that discussion be with the parents or the friends, it does not matter. According to the Indian mentality, it is most of the times thought that such topics related to sex and sexuality should be avoided as much as they can be avoided.

It is thought that if the topic is avoided, it would not be thought upon and therefore, it would not be acted upon. But then as we take a look at the sexual assault and sexual abuse cases, it is clear that sex and sexuality is not entirely neglected by the curious adolescents. In fact, the scenario is such that most of the sexual abuse cases and the cases related to sexuality have teenagers involved in it. Why is it that the most curious class of the population is involved in these sex related cases? It is an equally curious question with equally weird answer. It is similar to appeasing their curiosities.

When the curiosity of these teenagers is not appeased or discussed, it is going to come out in some or the other way, either with a willing partner or with an unwilling partner. Therefore, it is necessary to appease their curiosity. It is necessary to discuss about their sexuality with them in the presence of responsible guide and their guidance. It is necessary to make the teenagers understand argumentative essay on sex education in schools the changes they are facing, physical as well as emotional are all normal for their respective ages and a proper scientific knowledge should be given to them in the most technical manner to make the conversation less uncomfortable. Now, that we have sexual education being given to the teenagers, argumentative essay on sex education in schools, another question arises whether it is really important to give this education in public schools.

A public school or an educational institution is the perfect place to get knowledge and education but sexual education is an entirely different matter. In a public school, argumentative essay on sex education in schools, there are girls and boys together studying in the school and therefore, when all these students are given the sexual education together, then there are higher chances of this topic being discussed by the students among themselves and might also lead to some undesirable result. For example, when a child is in the age of puberty, there are a lot of hormones and emotional instability among the person which might affect how they grasp the knowledge they receive and also how they apply it in their regular and real-life situation.

This might sometimes get these children in a problem, that is when they are practically applying the knowledge of sexual education because they are curious about this new knowledge, might lead to some very life changing problems. which are transmitted during unprotected sex. All these aspects should be explained to the curious adolescents along with the required precautions. There are often many parents complaining that it is not necessary to make their children aware about sexuality and the terms related to it. But this is not the case in reality. The changes that the adolescents undergo during puberty are noticed by them and therefore, they are very curious about it.

Some children might not discuss it with their parent because they feel uncomfortable and basically, argumentative essay on sex education in schools, they know how their parents would react of such a topic when raised by their child. Therefore, the children might refrain from discussing it with their parents thus, automatically directing this discussion among themselves and also might develop an urge of experiencing these new emotions. After all, it is the body and will obey the alarms of the biological clock. From all the aspects discussed above relating to sexual education and the awareness among the children, it the growing need as there are a lot of problematic cases seen which involve the young people.

From all the statistical information obtained about sexual assault cases, unprepared pregnancies in the teenage group, also regarding the STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases cases somewhere, indicate that the youth understanding is in a chaos which needs to sorted out and explained to them properly and scientifically, argumentative essay on sex education in schools, to make them understand it in a very normal and scientific manner. About Manasi Shewale Manasi Shewale loves to read novels and review them inturn. She is an avid reader of various topics of scientific interest in Chemistry and Biology.

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Teachers and administrators will say to parents that sex education is not important enough to be taught in public schools, many parents who live with their child becoming young parents early disagrees. Administrators and teachers are the reason why so many young people in public schools are becoming young parents because they are not making young people needs first which should always be the case. I know that most Americans are embarrassed when it comes to talking about sex, but this behavior is not helping young people because we are taking away their ability to live their lives free of the pressures of early parenthood. As parents and knowledgeable adults, we owe it to our young people to educate them on the values and importance of sex and abstinence. More and more young people are not finishing their education because they are too busy being full time parents, some parents will argue that it is not their fault when in fact, it is.

Young people count on adults, parents and teachers to educate them about life, those who turn their back on that responsibility are responsible for every young person that is a young parent. The opposition believes that having safe sex or teaching safe sex in public schools might drive those students to have sex even more. Therefore, to completely prevent that, only abstinence only programs should be taught so teens do not get pregnant and have children long before they are married. Also, the opposition believes that having sex only exists in the heart and mind of those who have heard about it from other people or their friends which is not true. I remember back in the s, schools used to have a guidance counselor that would kids could talk to about all kinds of issues that they were having; it can be argued that it was not effective.

Parents and teachers call themselves protecting their children from the truth which they think will hurt them, but not telling your child the real truth about sex education and sex is the thing that is going to hurt them the most. Also, the hidden truth is going to be detrimental to their future because they will always wonder what their lives could have been if only someone cared enough about them to tell them the truth. Ignorance and sex education do not mix, young people are at the center; they need to be the focus not what adults should not be telling them.

Even though both sides of the argument hold different views about this argument, a middle ground has been established by both sides and everyone benefits. The answer to this would be for the opposition and anti-opposition to work together to openly to share their knowledge of abstinence and practicing safe sex in order to foster an open-minded environment, an environment where children are free to ask questions where they are treated like they are mature enough in order to handle the answers to those questions. With both parties working together, they will be the saving grace of every single non-dating teenager and pre-college student; even those who are not quite at that age.

Children would be able to freely express how they feel about the issue and parents would be allowed to express how they feel about it as well. With the agreement by both sides in place, everyone is happy and neither side is feeling more powerful than the other. Chamberlain, Pam. Lang, Susan. Diller, Rita. Merriam, Jesse. A Constitutional Explanation and Critique. Wiley, David, and Kelly Wilson. Pardini, Priscilla. Boskey, Elizabeth. Please remember that this paper is open-access and other students can use it too. If you need an original paper created exclusively for you, hire one of our brilliant writers! Some topics are tougher than others. We use cookies to improve your experience with our site. Please accept before continuing or read our cookie policy here.

Hire Writer. Sex Education In Public Schools Argumentative Essay Sample. Want a similar paper? We can write it! Order now. New WowEssays Premium Database! Find the biggest directory of over 1 million paper examples! Introduction Over the years, one topic has always been at the forefront of education and that topic is sex education being taught in public schools. This paper will discuss both sides of the argument for the greater good. Safe sex, what is the harm? Compromise Even though both sides of the argument hold different views about this argument, a middle ground has been established by both sides and everyone benefits. Work Cited Chamberlain, Pam. Sex Education. Safe Sex.

Students need to be taught what to expect when engaging in sexual activity and its consequences. At same time, it is advisable that programs teach all age appropriate material about safe sex to students. Why do Abstinence-only program not teach students the importance of safe sex, or the possible impact of sexually transmitted diseases? In addition the program is lacking in the area of education on teen pregnancy. In the article, "Talking to your kids about sex" it stated, "Parents must understand that, in this age of internet, youngsters can get information about sex. So they need to be practical and talk to their children themselves because only then will they know that their sic on the right track" Woman 's Era n.

Parents who tend to talk about sex with their kids make the children feel like they have an open relationships with them. A parent should allow the children to feel like they do not have to hide anything from their parents. Having a conversation about sex with children can tend to feel awkward and unpleasant, but if one relies on his intuition, then he would understand the importance of it. Students, at this age, think they know everything and they are not always correct in their thinking. With sex education they would learn a lot more about the changes that are occurring with their bodies.

They need to be properly educated on the subject at school and through talking with their parents. This sex education process would help them to know all the dangers that could happen to them and to understand…. Unprotected sexual activity poses its risks, but to combat those risks contraceptives help a great deal, by preventing any harmful illnesses such as sexual transmitted disease and infections. Sexual education also discusses consent and what it means when given. It also, helps in determining the signs of an abusive relationship and steps one may take if they find themselves in one.

Sexual education in schools help lay out the base for a deeper conversation among parents with their children. With sex-ed programs in school today they are only teaching teens not to have sex. Some argue that if people learn about sex they will become curious. According to this belief, the curiosity will lead to more teens having sex. I believe it to be the opposite. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Argumentative Essay: Should Sex Education Be In Schools? Argumentative Essay: Should Sex Education Be In Schools? Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Read More. Words: - Pages: 6.

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