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Writing a problem solution essay

Writing a problem solution essay

By Ced Yong. Study essays that get top marks and some of the ones which get lower marks. Question: How do I write an essay showing personal interest in solving a problem concerning selling expired drugs to the poor and less knowledgeable? These tactics are especially important to be used in the introduction but it can also be integrated into the entire essay. By choosing us, writing a problem solution essay, you choose expertise and excellent quality. Username Password.

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IELTS writing has a plethora of essay topics. This section is checked for every minute detail and you must have practised really well, in order to score well. One type of essay that is often found in the IELTS Writing section is the writing a problem solution essay solution type essay. Here you are presented a problem and are asked to suggest a suitable solution specific to the problem. There are various types of essays in IELTS Writing task 2, writing a problem solution essay. They are :. Each essay type requires a unique structure to be followed.

As a first step, we need to identify the type of the essay. Mostly, problem solution essays will be worded as follows:. The first half of the questions state the problem or cause, the second half requires you to find the solutions, writing a problem solution essay. Some tips to follow while practicing or writing a Solution essay. Firstly, you have to understand the difference between a problem and a cause. It is illustrated in the following example. Problem — Tsunamis occur due to large earthquakes on the seafloor. Cause — People dump a lot of plastic wastes and other non biodegradable items which leads to global warming which in turn causes disturbance in the seas. What problems are associated with this and suggest some solutions?

How to write an introduction for the above essay? Read the question thoroughly Note down the ideas that come to your mind naturally Vocabulary Locate the topic keywords : They will be contained in the statement part of the question. Eg: Global warming is emerging as a great threat to human survival in the 21st Century. So the question is about Global warming. Other general keywords: They help you to narrow down the question. Eg: sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. Though there are many effects related to global warming, the rise in sea level is specifically mentioned in the question.

Look for instruction words: Eg: What problems are associated with this and suggest some solutions. So this is a problem and solution essay. Choose one of the problems and discuss it in detail. Problem : Dumping of industrial wastes into the nearby water bodies. Solution: They must be treated, purified and recycled. Paraphrasing the question : Rise in sea water level is one of the serious threats posed on the environment due to global warming. Outlining the problem and solution : The main reason for this is the letting out of industrial wastes in nearby water bodies and a reliable solution is waste water treatment. Main body paragraph 1: Letting out of industrial wastes in nearby water bodies. Main body paragraph 2: Industrial wastewater treatment.

Explanation: There are no strict rules in place writing a problem solution essay the environment. So industries let out their wastes into the nearby water bodies such as lakes, rivers etc which affects the respective eco-system and thereby leading to more serious issues. Example: As installing a wastewater treatment plant is an additional burden and is costly, it is easier to let the waste water into the nearby water bodies as nobody questions this. Central idea: Installing Industrial waste water treatment plants could be beneficial to the environment. Explanation: Industrial wastewater treatment illustrates the processes used for treating wastewater that is produced by industries into a by-product.

The treated industrial wastewater may be reused or released to a sanitary sewer. Examples: There are proven records for reducing water pollution after wastewater treatment. You need to sum up all that you have said in the previous paragraphs. Use writing a problem solution essay like In summary, to summarise, to conclude or as a conclusion etc. You can give recommendations, if any. Industries are increasing in number. There are no strict rules in place regarding the environment, writing a problem solution essay. As installing a wastewater treatment plant is an additional burden and is costly, it is easier to let the waste water into the nearby water bodies as nobody questions this.

Installing Industrial waste water treatment plants could be beneficial to the environment and helps in reducing global warming effects. Industrial wastewater treatment illustrates the processes used for treating wastewater that is produced by industries into a by-product. There are proven records for reducing water pollution after wastewater treatment. In summary, writing a problem solution essay, every industry should have a wastewater treatment plant installed to treat their waste water which will reduce water pollution and thereby benefiting the environment. This will help reduce global warming and ultimately prevents rise in sea water levels.

Problem solution essay IELTS topics: Migration: An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. What problems does this cause? What solutions can you suggest to deal writing a problem solution essay this situation? Here are the 10 Problem Solution Essay topics IELTS examples : Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 Example 7 Example 8 Example 9 Example 10 In search of useful tips for problem solution essay identification? By enrolling into our free IELTS online coachingyou can now learn the suitable tips and tricks to handle this section.

Also check:. What is the difference between a Problem solution essay and a cause solution essay? She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

Home IELTS Writing IELTS Writing Task 2 IELTS Writing Task 2 : Problem Solution Essay IELTS Writing Task 2 : Problem Solution Essay- Identification and Tips for Solution Janice Thompson, writing a problem solution essay. Contents 1 Types of essays 1. Example 1. Example 2. Example 3. Example 4. Example 6. Example 7. Example 8. Example 9. Example Writing a problem solution essay search of useful tips for problem solution essay writing a problem solution essay Can I write cause and solution in the same paragraph? You must write the cause and solution in two separate paragraphs. How to write a solution paragraph?

Firstly, you need to develop ideas for the given problem and check if your ideas are relevant to the problem. Then, writing a problem solution essay, decide how you will explain writing a problem solution essay solution, which shouldn't be too simplistic. Then, develop your solution with a detailed explanation. Cause solution essay and Problem solution essay are very similar, but there's a subtle difference. A problem-solution essay asks about the problem, while a cause-solution essay questions the causes. In both types of essays, the writer should mention the problem. But in a cause-solution essay, the writer should focus on the cause of the problem statement.

Go through the questions below to know the difference between a Problem-solution essay and a Cause-solution essay. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them? How do you analyze a problem solution essay? Analysing the problem-solution essay is an essential part of answering it. Through this, you can figure out how the problem is associated with it and some possible solutions. How to identify a problem solution essay? In the problem solution essay, a topic will be given regarding the issues or problems faced by the people for which you'll be asked to give the solution. Sometimes, the question may ask your opinion too.

IELTS Opinion Essay. IELTS Discussion Essay. IELTS Problem Solution Essay. IELTS Direct Question Essay. IELTS Advantage and Disadvantage Essay.

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That can be by telling a conversation about the problem, describing the history of the problem, telling a story about the problem or just using vivid examples. Question: What kinds of problem solution essay topics could you do about people who live in the countryside? Answer: Think about the problems that they might have that are different from people in the city. Perhaps you can focus on getting jobs, family relationships, education, or access to health care. Question: I have to write a "problem solution essay", and I am conflicted on what the topic should be.

Do you have any suggestions? Answer: The hardest part of writing a problem solution essay is finding a solution. Often, my students start with one solution idea. Then as they begin to write and collaborate on ideas with others, they will change their topics accordingly. In reality, problem solution essays are a way of writing out what we are always doing in our lives and work: trying to find a better way to do something. Because these essays are harder to write, it helps if you really care about the topic. That is why I have my students start by listing things that really annoy them or problems they feel need a solution.

Generally, I suggest they stick to something they personally experience. I tell them to think about all of the groups they belong to at school, home, and in their communities and then write a list of all the problems they notice in those groups. Generally, once they have written that list, they start to see something they are most interested in solving. The best topic to choose is one that has these characteristics:. Question: I am a high school student, and I chose to write an essay about insecurities. However, now I feel the topic is too broad. Should I stick with it? Answer: You are very astute to realize that your topic isn't narrow enough. That problem happens a lot to students. Instead of changing topics, you probably will do better to take the subject you started with and narrow it to a particular group of people or a situation.

Here are some ideas of problem solution topics on insecurities:. How do you do one? Answer: I'm so glad you are helping your child as they learn to write. Teachers have different ways of helping children develop a topic. Drawing a web and drawing a diagram are two different ways. These are also sometimes called "storyboards. You may have learned to outline or jot down notes, which are similar ways to do this. I'd always suggest that you read the teacher's instructions and ask your child what they remember about the directions first.

However, if you still aren't sure, here is how I would interpret that instruction:. Write the topic idea in the middle of a piece of paper. I usually tell my students to frame this as a question. By the way, expository is usually an argument essay and one kind of argument essay is a problem solution. For example: How can we solve the problem of students being absent too often from school? Draw a circle around that question and then draw lines out from the circle looking like you are starting a spider web. Each of the lines should be an answer to the question. Example: make them go into detention, call the parents, give them incentives for having good attendance, give them a chance to not take the finals if they have good attendance, etc.

Then draw a circle around each of those answers and draw lines off again. This time, you will give examples, reasons or objections that relate to that answer. Question: For a problem solution essay, should the problem be in one paragraph and the solution in a different paragraph? Answer: My students generally write essays that have at least five paragraphs, often more. I would suggest that you do something like this:. Explain and describe the problem and why this should be solved. End with a question which is asking how the problem can be solved.

Example: How can we solve the problem of school shootings? Then in the next paragraph, you would give your solution idea. If your idea is easy to explain, then you would spend the rest of your paper refuting objections and explaining why your idea would work and be cost-effective, feasible, and effective. On the other hand, if your idea is complicated to explain, you will need to spend a longer part of your paper making sure the reader understands it. In both cases, you will need to refute any objections and help the reader to see how important it is to do this solution.

Answer: An easy way to use a quotation is to start with "According to.. Here are some examples of different ways to do this:. According to Jamie Jones in his article "Cats are Crazy Creatures," the reason more people like dogs is "quote goes here" page number. Jamie Jones, in his article "Cats are Crazy Creatures" points out that "quote goes here" page number MLA style. Question: What if we had a topic that someone chose for us and we don't know anything about the topic, but we can't change it? Answer: If you need to find a solution to a problem someone else has chosen, you will need to research the problem and all of the solutions that other people have thought about or tried. After you have looked up the ideas that other people have considered, you can choose the one that you think would work the best, or maybe you will come up with your own idea.

Question: What do you think of, "How can we prevent the bad consequences of online dating? Answer: 1. How can a person safely use online dating to find a good marriage partner? Question: How can I fix this thesis to my problem solution essay? My thesis: Inner-city schools have less educational value than suburban schools, causing students in impoverished areas to have a less successful academic career due to a lack of proper educational resources. Answer: Students in impoverished inner-city schools have fewer educational resources than students in wealthier suburban schools; therefore, students at inner-city schools have less success in academic endeavors.

Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a problem solution essay? Answer: A problem solution essay is a type of argument essay. In fact, solving a problem is the last step in thinking about any issue and is often the most important and complicated step. The advantage of choosing this sort of essay is that you get a chance to explain in detail how you think a problem can be solved. In an essay that argues for a cause, you can talk about what created the problem and then discuss some possible solutions at the end of the essay, but in a Problem Solution essay, you get to spend a lot of time talking about the details of the solution and arguing for why that solution is the best, most efficient, and most feasible. On the other hand, the disadvantage of a Problem Solution essay is that the reader may have a lot of objections to your solution and you need to think about how you are going to refute those objections.

Answer: Finding a solution is always the hardest part of this sort of essay. I suggest that you follow a three-pronged approach:. Research the problem and solutions that others have tried. One trick my students taught me is that you often can find a solution that has been tried in a different location and adapt that to your situation. For example, when we had problems with people biking on campus and causing accidents, my students researched a nearby campus and found a solution that had been done there. Look at my "Ways to Solve Problems Chart" on the "How to write a problem solution essay. In other words, what makes an essay a «problem solution» one is the particular structure, in which the first paragraph is telling about a certain problem and the next is suggesting the possible solution.

It may sound easy at the very beginning, yet it is very important to follow the strict instructions as there is always a risk to create something different from what you needed in the first place instead of the problem solution essay. We have already discussed that the most important thing about the problem solution essay format is the strict structure, which is highly not recommended to break. For this reason, the first and probably the most important of all the writing tips you will ever get is making the plan.

We might all remember how in primary school we were taught to write the plans for our compositions to make sure our thoughts will be delivered accurately by our writing. We all probably hated it, because we should not see the point of it. Now we are likely to use this technique on very rare occasions, mostly when we are about to create a really big piece of writing. However, even though the problem solution essay does not have to be a long one, making a plan for your writing will turn out to be incredibly useful. Firstly, will spare a lot of your time by making it easier to stay clear with the structure, which is incredibly important here.

Every aspect of the problem that you write about in the first part has to have a reflection in the second part of the essay, where you describe the possible solutions. As you might have already understood, the point of the problem solution writing is to solve problems or, at least, to suggest the possible ways out. This means that the problem solution topic should also be specifically formulated. This can be some certain social or political, geographical or, even, biological trend, some news from the world of science, the choice is yours. But there is one thing you have to remember: no matter what you are writing about, the title should be the essence of your writing. In other words, it has to completely reflect the plot of your essay.

Last, but not least. We often get to explain, why can this kind of essay contains only one problem, yet several solutions. It can be explained by the word limit. As we said, your essay should not be a long one. If you feel like you cannot avoid mentioning more than one issue, you can try to create a complex problem. As long as you have already made up the topic, here is the list of the next 5 steps toward writing a good problem solution essay:. As we have already discussed in the previous paragraph, the description of the problem is vital.

The interest of the reader depends on this aspect. This is why, it is a good idea to use persuasive vocabulary and phrases like: highly important, deadly serious, terrible consequences, etc. These tactics are especially important to be used in the introduction but it can also be integrated into the entire essay. Now, look at your essay once more. This was the biggest part. What we need to do now is to add some touch-ups to the already existing structure. Once more, pay attention to the way you described the problem at the beginning. You must use the special adjectives to convince the reader of the high importance of this matter you are writing about. If we go back to the example of global warming, we can start this kind of essay like this: «The issue of global has already caused severe damage to our planet.

Today, it is incredibly important to develop the strategy to stop it…». Take another look at the way you described the solution. Make sure you made its relevance crystal clear to the readers, no matter who they are. This means that the language you are using here should be easy to understand and, if possible, not to involve any specific vocabulary. If you feel, you can not avoid using professional terms — make sure you have given a short explanation to them in the text. The next step to make will be arguing the solution. It is a rare occasion when something is practically perfect in every way. Try to think of some disadvantages of the solution you suggest and how to fix them. Supporting the previous thesis, it is very important to make sure that the readers no matter what their occupations and degrees are, would have no questions about the relevance of your solution.

Make sure it is just perfect, that you have mentioned all the possible peculiarities and suggested the way to solve them. There are two different ways to create the outline of the problem solution essay. They are called Block and Chain structure. Before you choose any of those — a tiny warning: both of the structures can be tricky, so it is still highly recommended to create an outline to make sure your essay is brilliant. Prepare the readers for your essay. Tell them about the backgrounds of the issue you are talking about and the context of the problem. As we have already discussed, the problem has to be delivered to the readers so that they get to understand its importance and become interested in the ways of its solution.

This is a necessary part of every essay, in order to avoid the sort of, chopped delivery, where the suggestion of solutions goes right after the description of the problem. This is why there are one or two transitional sentences that softly take the reader from the problem to solution. The main argument should be strong enough to convince the readers about the solution that the writer has proposed. Moreover, it should be reasonable and could be implemented in real life. Besides, the writer should make sure that they add strong evidence to prove that their proposed solution is better than others and offers greater benefits. There is a difference between arguing and presenting a solution.

As a writer, you must know the difference between these two and make sure that your essay stays within the defined conventions. Writing a problem-solution type of essay is like having an argument without actually arguing. Doing this will show the reader that you have explored every possible solution and possibility before proposing the solution. Before finalizing the essay, go through it and make sure that you have added all of these elements. The structure of this essay is usually the same as the structure of any other essay. Generally, it has three paragraphs that state and explain three problems and their solutions in detail.

Below is the sample problem-solution essay structure. A good and commendable problem-solution essay proposes a reasonable and easy-to-implement solution to the discussed problem. Make sure that your essay stays focused and close to the main topic. You must avoid adding any vague details and stick to the main essay topic only. Below are the steps to write a good and impressive problem-solution essay. This could be anything. To begin with, think of the issues and problems that bother you. These issues could be anything, and you may be a part of some groups that are already facing some issues. Make a list of the issues or problems these groups or your community are facing. It is not important how big or small a problem is, but it must be significant enough to affect the people.

For a solution to be great, it should be easy to understand and implement. Good and fully functional solutions could be implemented easily, solve the problem effectively, and are cost-effective. Finding a solution could be tough. Think about all the possible solutions and write them down. Below are some common ways to solve a problem. An outline is an important part of any writing process. It helps in maintaining the focus and sticking to the main essay topic only. Many times, a student loses focus and has to work on the essay all over again. With a well-made outline, they can avoid it and stay focused throughout the entire writing process. When outlining, divide the researched details into paragraphs. Make an order in which you will add and discuss those details and stick to it.

Describe the problem, its impact, and the reason it needs the solution. In case of a new or uncommon problem, explain it in detail, and if it is a common problem, then explain its consequences. No matter what, you will have to convince the readers about the importance of the problem. The thesis statement is added at the end of the introduction. It should be clear and inform the readers about the main topic and theme of the essay. It should be brief, and instead of giving away all the details, it should entice the readers to read the essay. This is the central part of an essay and takes up the major part of the work.

Usually, an essay includes three paragraphs. In the case of a problem-solution essay, the three paragraphs will include three problems and their solutions.

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