Thursday, February 24, 2022

Essay my favorite place

Essay my favorite place

Believe me when I say you need it and deserve it. Especially in the spring. Essay my favorite place is a non-governmental association, which includes a very large number of people. To make my room pleasant, I put some beautiful flowers on my desk, and my mother also I made a suggestion that they liked, which is to summarize the book that I have finished reading, and read it to the rest of the family, because in the evening. This is the life I want to spend my life in, essay my favorite place, away from the fast life, stress and anxiety, and live in fear.

Descriptive Essay Example of My Favourite Beach

My favorate place has always been Grandma's house. My grandma's house has and always will have a very special place in my heart. I spent many summers with my grandmother when I essay my favorite place younger through my early teen years. Her house seemed to have something special about it that set it apart from all the rest. It is just the little things that make Grandma's house so special to me. My grandma's house is a place of family gatherings. On holidays it is always full of laughter and cheers. Uncle Jack can be heard from miles around with his deep, signature laugh. Aunt Beth never passes the opportunity to joke about his laughter. Everyone sitting down at the holiday dinners can be seen making jokes about one another or telling the newest joke he heard.

My grandma can always be seen sitting in her living room, next to the front door gazing out of her window. This is where she reads her daily newspaper and drinks her hot black coffee with no sugar and no cream, the old fashion way she calls it. She sometimes sits in her living room for hours upon end watching the birds swoop down to the bird feeder placed next to the window. My grandmother recognizes the same birds and has names for most of them. She never misses the opportunity to gaze at the squirrels whenever possible. She always describes them like people with their own different personalities. It is hysterical always listening to her stories about what the bird or the squirrel essay my favorite place that day. In the cool summer days Grandma and whoever happens to be at the house will sit out on the back porch for hours and talk about anything and everything imaginable; she is known as the neighborhood gossip queen.

The back porch is a place for everyone to sit and relax in the warm sunny breeze essay my favorite place just get out whatever they need to. My grandmother is a person I can talk to, and whenever I decided to talk to her about somethi Continue reading this essay Continue reading. Toggle navigation MegaEssays. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper. Example Essays, essay my favorite place. my favorite place. Continue reading this essay Continue reading Page 1 of 2. Next Page. More Essays:. APA MLA Chicago my favorite place.

In MegaEssays. com, December 31, MegaEssays, "my favorite place. html accessed January 07, essay my favorite place,

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This is where she reads her daily newspaper and drinks her hot black coffee with no sugar and no cream, the old fashion way she calls it. She sometimes sits in her living room for hours upon end watching the birds swoop down to the bird feeder placed next to the window. My grandmother recognizes the same birds and has names for most of them. She never misses the opportunity to gaze at the squirrels whenever possible. She always describes them like people with their own different personalities. It is hysterical always listening to her stories about what the bird or the squirrel did that day. In the cool summer days Grandma and whoever happens to be at the house will sit out on the back porch for hours and talk about anything and everything imaginable; she is known as the neighborhood gossip queen.

The back porch is a place for everyone to sit and relax in the warm sunny breeze and just get out whatever they need to. My grandmother is a person I can talk to, and whenever I decided to talk to her about somethi Continue reading this essay Continue reading. Toggle navigation MegaEssays. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper. Example Essays. my favorite place. Continue reading this essay Continue reading Page 1 of 2. Next Page. The success of the work also represents your success. Therefore, the stage represents a lot to me, and it is my favorite place, which I like to be in on a permanent basis.

My favorite place is the garden, I like to visit the garden very much with my family. We can practice many sports activities with the participation of my brothers or parents. We very much enjoy the air and the vast scenic views. I really like the smell of roses in the air. Especially in the spring. This is the perfect time that I love to spend time in the garden. My brothers and I like to start a game of soccer when we arrive. After that we sit for a while to rest and have some drinks and food. Seeing the vast green spaces around me helps me improve my appetite. Then my dad joins us for a tug-of-war challenge. We laugh a lot when we beat him and there is great fun and joy when he shares this game with us.

After that, my brothers and I go back to ride some rides in the par and enjoy it. And when it gets dark we usually sit down and play some of the games we bring with us. This place is my favorite place that I enjoy spending a lot of time in. There is no doubt that many of our habits have changed as a result of the spread of the Corona epidemic Covid , after I used to prefer going with my friends to the club, where we used to spend a good time playing football, it became better to stay at home, so I prepared some things Which makes me happy, including the library, I have set up a library in my room, it contains many valuable books, I bought some of these books and others my father bought and gave to me. My room has become my favorite place, and reading has become my favorite hobby.

I enjoy reading books in general, and historical books in particular, because historical books educate me and provide me with important information. To make my room pleasant, I put some beautiful flowers on my desk, and my mother also I made a suggestion that they liked, which is to summarize the book that I have finished reading, and read it to the rest of the family, because in the evening. This idea encouraged my brothers to read as well, and thus there was competition between us and we invested our time in something useful, and I also played with my brother in the garden of the house, because exercising is ve. I have no brothers. My mother passed away a few years ago, and since then my aunt has been taking care of me and helping me and my father.

I love playing with her children and picnicking in the parks. I love the way she receives me, as she loves kissing me a lot, calling me my dear son. The first person who taught me to ride a bike was my cousin. He helped me a lot and was patient with me until I could learn it. We go out a lot to spend some time cycling, but I like sitting at home with all the family members. This may not be a favorite place for many people but this is my favorite place where I find the company that I love and spend some happy time with them. My name is.. We are a family of 5 people.

I have two siblings younger than me. years old. My favorite place that I like to spend my time in is the sea. I have been fishing with my father since the age of seven. I liked very much to go out in the boat in the early morning, to prepare for fishing. The area we live in contains different types of fish I love tuna a lot, it is one of the strongest types of fish we have. To catch it we must work hard and struggle to keep the fish hanging in our strings. The hard work does not end until the fish is on the boat. Only then we can rest and laugh a little. I love this place so much and would like to spend my whole life there. My favorite place that I enjoy spending a lot of time in is The Animal Care Association.

I love animals of all kinds, I love helping them find shelter, or offering them some simple customized foods. A year and a half ago I was able to join The Animal Care Association. I got to know them through a friend of mine. He told me about them after he saw me care a lot about animals and I love taking care of them and helping them. Therefore, this association aroused my curiosity as soon as he talked to me about. It is a non-governmental association, which includes a very large number of people. We volunteer a lot when calls come to the association to go and help animals, especially small ones that have lost their father and mother, or an animal that was crossing the road and had an accident. Such things I love to do. Three months ago there was a little stray puppy on the side of the road, a person called the association and told them.

We went to see what would happen, I was so worried about crossing the road and having an accident. I cared about him a lot and played with him for a while to calm him down. I suggested to the supervisor that we walk around the residential areas to see if we can find his parents. And indeed, after a little searching, we found his owner was looking for him. The little puppy lost his identification collar, which made him unidentified. We are all so happy to him to his owner again. My favorite place is the library. I would very much like to become a writer in the future. I loved writing a lot after knowing that writing in the past was just symbols, and they were called hieroglyphs. This was the beginning through which I admired the contemporary reading and writing of our time. After knowing how writing originated and using many images to express speech, writing has now become easier in all countries of the world.

I find great happiness in writing because it expresses my personality and I can express my imagination. I also find strong accuracy in transmitting news or information. Also, every written thing is taken more seriously than the oral style. So I find the library is my favorite place. I love to read literature and contemporary history and learn a lot so that I have a lot of information to help me achieve my dream in the future. There is no doubt that every person has a favorite place that he loves to be in and spend activities or just be there. I love being in football clubs, in the midst of big crowds, and listening to the crazy cheering for the players. Not a year goes by without my father and I attending many matches. I support my city team write the name of my club here. But I also love Real Madrid very much.

I watch it on satellite channels. I am very happy for their winning. My favorite place to spend time is the theatre. I very much like to attend summer theater rehearsals, and participate in some theatrical performance or singing activities. Last year I had so much fun. We did Romeo and Juliet. Certainly, it is a famous story and there is intense conflict, and many transitions, which required us to work great and continuous training in order to master the movements and express the content of the play properly. I loved my participation last year in this play and I am very excited to participate this year and discover what we will offer. or something similar. My favorite place is the beach. But I am certainly not talking about ordinary beaches that contain water and sunshine only.

I am talking about the beaches that contain volleyball and basketball courts, an area dedicated to strength games, and places for celebrations and drinks. Such beaches are my favourite, as I like to do all three sports, I love volleyball very much and I love to join my friends in playing. In the early morning I like to exercise a little on some weights and do some fitness moves. In the evening I like very much to participate in basketball matches. I like this atmosphere very much, and this is my favorite place, which I enjoy a lot and I like the competitive atmosphere in it. My favorite place in the American football field, I love training and doing exercises that help me improve my fitness, I love everything about this stadium, the color of the grass, the shape of the stands especially when they are full, I love the cheers of encouragement, I love watching the joy of victory in the eyes of coaches and fans.

I also feel great enthusiasm every day on the field because of the continuous training that helps me improve my abilities and broaden my horizons. Every day I find myself better than I was the day before. I aspire to do my best this year, get my team to the finals, and play a great match that will impress our fans and satisfy the coaches. I certainly hope to win first place, so my friends and I work hard and hope to be the best at the end of the season. We are achieving great victories that help us in the next stage and move to big teams. Every student has a goal he would like to achieve, whether at the scientific or professional level, and I would very much like to remain involved in the stadiums even when I grow up.

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