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Persuasive essay on gay marriage

Persuasive essay on gay marriage

com for bringing my lover back to me, There are those people who say religion is the reason they are against it. Some think same sex marriage is right; however, others disagree. However, persuasive essay on gay marriage, the real and unspoken reasons many heterosexuals have against same-sex marriages are based on religious beliefs. Gay Persuasive essay on gay marriage Let Them Love. I grew up with my parents divorced and I don't want that for my son and I miss my husband so much and just want our family to be whole again I want the love of my life back and I can honestly say that because he is the only man I have ever truly loved with all my heart.

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Pew Research, 12 May However, straight marriage is not the right thing to do. Just because a person is happy, does not mean it is morally correct. Yes, everyone in the world needs to feel happy and accepted, persuasive essay on gay marriage, but sometimes it is unnecessary acts that get people where they are in the world. Gay marriage should be legal worldwide. Gay marriage or same-sex marriage is when a man and man or women and a woman get married. Same-sex marriage impacts society in different types of ways, some people are affected by it because they think it is against the bible, others seem to have no impact or problem with same-sex marriage.

However for the gay community it affects them, because in some states they are not allowed to marry the one they are in love with it. Also it impacts them because there are groups of people against same-sex marriage and the gay community is constantly being judged by people opposed to same-sex marriage, persuasive essay on gay marriage. These individuals would rather just be closed-minded in this situation and reticent to really think about what this means to the gay community and the country. Same sex couples are not asking for any special rights; they are just asking to be treated equal with opposite sex couples, persuasive essay on gay marriage.

The explanations given by many Americans against gay marriages are based on false assumptions and unsubstantiated arguments. However, the real and unspoken reasons many heterosexuals have against same-sex marriages are based on religious beliefs. There are a number of false assumptions the straight community has regarding same sex marriages. Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable New International Version Bible, Leviticus Many religions believe that procreation is the most important to human existence and same-sex middle of paper gs are changing with the courts recognizing that gay couples should have the same rights to marry as the heterosexual couples.

Throughout history gay marriage has been there, legal and illegal. Then the rise of Christianity began changing things and soon gay marriage became uncommon and a sin. In the 21st century some religions and laws are still discriminating against them. Wolfson, Some can argue that the acceptance of gay marriage goes against their religious beliefs and moral judgment. Although most people try to live by and adhere to the morals they were brought up with, others try to push the envelope for change by using the word freedom to initiate cha n are another very important reason that gay marriages should not be legalized. Stanton and Maier, pg.

Love is unconditional. Being gay represents who that persuasive essay on gay marriage is and forms their identity. Instead of trying to understand that, heterosexuals me-sex couples cannot provide the proper environment to raise a child. Well, take a look at who many of these critics allow to marry and raise children: murderers, child molesters, convicted felons of all sorts, and so on. Yet this preferred to a gay couple free of criminal history that in fact does embrace morals? These two authors show separate feelings on the issue persuasive essay on gay marriage gay marriage, while attempting to persuade the readers to agree with them. Beginning with the topic on gay marriage and the controversial battle between authors, Andrew Sullivan and William Bennett, Sullivan is the gay supporter.

Therefore, gay marriage should not be excluded from the legal system, persuasive essay on gay marriage. Love Has No Gender Everyone wants happiness and to be loved by someone unconditionally. No matter the gender or race of the person, everyone just want to be loved. Many people are against men dating men or women dating women. There are those people who say religion is the reason they are against it. In the long run some people will never like gay marriage at all and other people cannot change to not liking gay marriage.

To sum up what I said there are good and bad things about legalizing gay marriage in states and countries. Also you might never know if you have gay friends or not. What I am trying to say is that being gay is okay. Also being heterosexual is okay too. This persuasive essay on gay marriage said, a great example of this would be a person that has mental retardation, they are still allowed to get married when they want to in their lives, so why not gay people. It is all the same, they are born this way; it is not a choice that they are able to make. I think that is a great way to show that our country really is diverse, that we see all people for people and not what their religion is, or who they love. Now I do think that there are some drawbacks to gay marriage.

I think that gay marriage, or just two gays in a relationship c someone wanted them to, it just happens. Home Page Persuasive Essay On Gay Marriage. Persuasive Essay On Gay Marriage Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Persuasive essay on gay marriage. Gay Marriage is an issue that our society deals with on a day to day basic. It is an issue that has been brought up in many states. It has even had issues brought before the Supreme Court. In the United Persuasive essay on gay marriage gay marriages are frowned upon in some states and in others gay marriages are supported. There are people who would argue that there is nothing wrong with gay marriages. They would further argue and believe is that gays should have the same rights as a heterosexual marriage, persuasive essay on gay marriage.

There are some stereotypes and issues that gay couple faces some are: What makes them different from any other marriage, why in some states that gay marriage is supported their spouses do not have the same rights as those with a heterosexual marriage, and why society frown upon this issue. Over the years people have come to accept that there is not anything wrong with gay marriages. But there are some people who fight the idea that it should be legal. If marriage is defined as the union between two people, why is it considered morally wrong for two people of the same sex to get married? Some may argue in the bible it states it is wrong to be involved in a gay marriage. If two people love each other why can they not get married?

There are so many arguments that can be brought up to justify marriage and for couples to receive benefits like any other couple. A gay person is no diffe y should someone be denied the right to get married just because they are gay? Gay people need love too, they cannot help the fact persuasive essay on gay marriage they fell in love with a person of the same sex as they are love is uncontrollable. From a Christian point of view you know that God has planned out your life before you even started your life. I believe that know matter race, religion or sexual preference anyone should be able to marry, persuasive essay on gay marriage. Also if gay marriages are morally wrong why did God allow some people to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex? Gay marriage will be an ethical issue for years to come.

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Week 9 Paper, persuasive essay on gay marriage. Related Topics.

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Persuasive Essay Gay Marriage. The following gay marriage rights essay will explore why same-sex marriage is harmful and why it should not be legalized, although in many states, it had already become legal, which resulted in a number of negative consequences. Just like all essays on gay rights, the following gay rights persuasive essay will provide arguments that will justify the position of the author. It should be noted that in the modern conditions of global democratization, gay rights are protected in many countries of the world, which has a number of effects on the social wellbeing as will be discussed below. The goal of the current gay rights movement essay is to persuade the public that gay marriage should not be made a rightful procedure because it causes irreparable harm not only to the society in general, but to the wellbeing of children as well.

Current gay rights argumentative essay deals with such issues as the effects of gay marriage on child upbringing, its impact on the social morality, the consequences of gay marriage legalization and many others. Current essay on gay rights will not explore the reasons of why gay marriage has already been made legal in many states of the USA and across the world. Instead, it will defend the position against this phenomenon in order to make the public aware of the harmful consequences associated with gay marriage legalization. Here are some arguments against the legalization of gay marriage. The above arguments prove that gay rights protection is against moral values existing in any normally developing society. Same-sex marriage should therefore not be legalized, because it does not only violate the laws of nature, but is also harmful for the wellbeing of the global society.

Although gay marriage has already been legalized in many states of the USA, there is a hope that the society will see the harmful effects produced by such union on the welfare of people and the laws will eventually change in the nearest future. Did you like the essay? Why not place an order on our website? BIG EssayWriter. com Order Now Login Toggle navigation College Essay Essay Editing UK Essay Custom Essay Custom Writing FAQ Prices About Us Contact Blog. Gay Rights Persuasive Essay: Arguments against Gay Marriage. For a start, the current gay rights essay will explain why gay marriage is basically not marriage at all.

If something is called marriage, it does not necessarily mean the same. It is evident that since the ancient time, marriage has been defined as a union of a man and a woman formed for the purpose of procreation and upbringing of children. Those who are in favor of homosexual marriage offer something completely different, namely a union of either two women or two men. Basically, this is against the biological and physiological differences between the two genders. It also contradicts the major purpose of any marriage, which is giving birth to children and raising them for the sake of the prosperity of human race. That is why gay marriage cannot be considered a rightful union as it contradicts the human nature.

Furthermore, gay marriage violates the laws of nature. Marriage stands for something more than just a relationship between men and women.

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