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Essays on legalizing marijuana

Essays on legalizing marijuana

Marijuana also has it own taxes. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. All traditional psychoanalytic sessions did not help and mother even tried a great deal of drugs in attempt to decrease the cases of violent behavior, essays on legalizing marijuana. Hi, My name is Faria Naeem, and I am writing to you today to share my views on the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana. Nadelmann, Ethan. Government, Ideas from school shootings to you and human trafficking were some I was thinking of.

The use of marijuana for medical purposes is supported by many experts.

Numerous sources have suggested and in some cases proven that legalizing or at least decriminalizing marijuana can reduce violent crime and significantly reduce the amount of people who are imprisoned for drug use. This would allow more individuals to continue to be the contributing members of society that they often were prior to being caught with a relatively harmless substance. Legalizing marijuana would also release much-needed funding and already-stretched law-enforcement manpower to fight against more essays on legalizing marijuana social issues. What the evidence suggests is that legalizing marijuana can introduce a great benefit to society. This evidence is well-known throughout the scientific, political and public arena including economics and social issues but it has yet to be acted upon.

Get your assignments done by real pros. Save your precious time and boost your marks with ease. Just fill in your HW requirements and you can count on us! According to a report in The Economist Case for Legalization,concerns that a growing drug-using and dependent population would emerge if marijuana was made more available are false. Although the magazine acknowledges that the price of the drug is artificially high, it attributes this to the difficulties involved in circumventing the law, essays on legalizing marijuana. The authors of this report indicate that it is only because of the high cost and the difficulty to obtain it that more individuals have not experimented with it.

Instead, they become addicted, either physically or psychologically, to other, often more harmful yet legal substances such as prescription medications or alcohol. To support their argument in favor of legalization even should the numbers of suspected users rise, the Economist article Case for Legalization, draws on the theories of John Stuart Mill. This is a founding theory that has been mostly ignored in decisions made regarding alcohol and tobacco, both of which have proven to directly cause significant harm to innocent others, but has not been ignored regarding Class C substances such as marijuana, essays on legalizing marijuana.

However, the argument that more people would become regular users of the substance are unfounded. used a survey to determine the number of high school students who were using marijuana in these areas in before legalization and in after medical marijuana use was approved. In all grade levels surveyed 7th grade, 9th grade and 11th grademarijuana use actually dropped after it became legal on a limited basis. In addition to the fallacies of the anti-legalization side regarding increased use, the damage perpetrated on those involved with marijuana far outweighs the benefits achieved by current legislation and yet continues to exist. Poor countries where the drug is produced are quickly being overrun by criminals and thugs, people who make breaking the law on numerous levels.

Because production and exportation is considered a criminal activity, the actual criminals are finding success rather than defeat, essays on legalizing marijuana. Individuals within the rich countries who buy the drugs are often otherwise productive members of society. Under legalization, governments would be able to standardize the quality, regulate the ages permitted to purchase the product and openly provide safety warnings directly to the population. No one is suggesting that legalization should simply make marijuana-smoking a blanket concession. Even the Economist points out any steps taken to legalize should be made slowly in order to avoid some of the pitfalls that have occurred when other historic prohibitions were lifted. Studies prove that the majority of people who use marijuana do not become habitual, daily users.

Most of these users are not involved in criminal behaviors related to the use of marijuana. However, essays on legalizing marijuana, the study did find that alcohol use by young teenagers was an indicator of violent behavior later in life. Marijuana use, perhaps unsurprisingly given essays on legalizing marijuana effects, was unrelated to violent activities. It is a fallacy to suggest that teenagers commit crimes at a higher rate simply to support a cannabis habit, essays on legalizing marijuana.

For more help, tap into our pool of professional writers and get expert essay editing services! Numerous states including Rhode Island, California, Alaska, Hawaii, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada, Montana, Washington, Vermont, Michigan, New Essays on legalizing marijuana and Maine and numerous physicians have recognized the real benefits of marijuana as a natural medication to treat several forms of serious health conditions. However, Federal law supersedes state law. As a result, physicians within U. borders cannot legally dispense marijuana nor can a patient legally possess it regardless of how much it might help them.

Most Americans are not against the medicinal use of marijuana, but any use of marijuana remains against federal law which means people face stiffer sentences if caught. Although the U. government has declared a total ban on marijuana, this method has not succeeded as intended. All it has done is alter the arrangement of supply and demand by forcing the illegality of this market. Most European nations separate cannabis from the harder drugs in their laws and language, but the United States approaches it as equally harmful. A good example of a moderate approach to the idea of marijuana can be found in the U. In that country, people who are caught using or possessing the substance do not face immediate mandatory arrest.

Mandatory arrest only occurs when accelerating circumstances are present such as when the drug is being used in the presence essays on legalizing marijuana minors or other, harder drugs are discovered as well. By contrast, individuals over the age of 18 in The Netherlands who smoke marijuana discretely are not arrested. Possession of five grams or less or the personal cultivation of less than five plants is also not prosecuted. Within the country, there are several coffee shops that are licensed to sell marijuana within their shops. Under their license, they are permitted to hold up to grams of marijuana behind their counter at any given time and another grams in storage.

Another law passed in permits doctors to prescribe marijuana for medicinal use through local pharmacies Coughlin, The U. system rests at a comfortable medium point between the no tolerance policies of the U. and the nearly neglectful policies of the Netherlands. However, they are still the harshest laws on the topic found in Europe. The concept of legalization implies different meanings to different people, essays on legalizing marijuana. To some it means simple, blanket legalization. This approach would take the essays on legalizing marijuana and the crime out of the trade. Another approach suggests legalizing the drug on a step by step basis. The first step would be to make marijuana legal under restricted circumstances, but not subject to such rigid laws as it exists under now.

The next step would essays on legalizing marijuana to abolish the no tolerance policy in favor of more appropriate, essays on legalizing marijuana, sound reasoning. Varying degrees of decriminalization such as these are often confused with total legalization. Alcohol is legal, for example, but it is not legal to operate a car under its influence or to sell it to those less than 21 years of age Nadelmann, essays on legalizing marijuana, These same approaches can be adopted concerning marijuana use. However, the choice is not simply a black and white issue of whether or not to legalize.

Although drug laws against marijuana are relaxed in England essays on legalizing marijuana the Netherlands, there remain laws against essays on legalizing marijuana. The continued ban against marijuana makes little sense given its drain on economics, social issues and other law-fighting essays on legalizing marijuana. Legalization presents few risks not already faced by the nation, removes multiple risks introduced simply because of its illegality and provides a means for patients of serious diseases such as cancer, HIV, AIDS and other conditions to find less harmful relief. Chaiken, J. Tonry Eds. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Dembo, R. Nadelmann, Ethan, essays on legalizing marijuana. Topic Marijuana Legislation, essays on legalizing marijuana. Level High School. Pages 5. Words Rating 4. Studyfy uses cookies to deliver the best experience possible. Read more. Studyfy uses secured cookies, essays on legalizing marijuana. Services Custom Writing Dissertation Writing Research Paper Writing Homework Help Any Type Essay Editing Proofreading Service TextBooks Search. Buy an Essay Order an Essay Pay for Essay Math Homework Help Physics Homework Help. How It Works Writers FAQ Contact Us. Log In Sign Up. Essay Samples Marijuana Legislation Essays Legalizing Marijuana Essay. Struggling with your HW? Used our essay samples for inspiration? Edit my Essay.

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It merely means that they value marijuana consumption higher than some negative objective results. Therefore, it may be claimed that marijuana is useful rather than harmful for the health of these people. Thus, a large number of traditional medical arguments against the legalization of marijuana are only partially correct. A closer examination of the problem shows that there is no evident of third party harm in the case of marijuana use. The consumption of marijuana per se affects only health of users. However, it relates to all criminals regardless of whether they use marijuana or not. Therefore, it is unreasonable to concentrate on the interests of third parties, in this case.

It is necessary to examine the direct outcomes of interactions of various individuals. If their actions do not contain any aggression or threats against other people or their property, a government should not participate in this process and introduce any restrictions. Another area of focus is the impact of marijuana on children and the optimal policy in this field. It is obvious that children cannot rationally perceive the whole situation. However, it does not mean that a government should be involved and control all or some spheres of their lives. The whole responsibility for their children lay on their parents, and they should determine consumption habits of their children until they become able to rationally make their own decisions.

Parents should feel the corresponding level of responsibility. If they believe that government officials should also participate in this process, their behavior becomes less responsible, and additional risks for their children may emerge. In other words, marijuana prohibition cannot improve the situation in this sphere. The legalization of marijuana may allow creating a complex legal environment that will protect the interests of all parties. If the use of marijuana is illegal, the rights of consumers are unprotected. Marijuana producers understand that they are not under a close public control and may behave irresponsibly.

In other words, they may try to decrease the quality of marijuana in order to obtain higher profits. If the legalization of cannabis is adopted, producers will have to change their attitude. They will experience a permanent pressure from other producers as their number will increase due to an open access to this market segment. As a result, all relationships between parties may be better regulated. Producers will have to guarantee the quality of their products. Consequently, consumers will have an opportunity to demand restitution if producers violate their contract obligations.

At the same time, the developed legal environment will be beneficial for responsible producers. They will be able to establish their market reputation and expand their market share. This market selection process is impossible if the good under consideration is prohibited. Those companies that wish to operate illegally will have to shift to the black market, and the complete criminalization of the industry may emerge. The legalization of marijuana will also be beneficial for a government. In this case, it will be possible to collect taxes and perform its basic functions more effectively. A government may increase its revenues and decrease the overall budget deficit.

It may have a positive impact on the financial state of a country. Other things being equal, it is possible to reduce other taxes without the negative effect on government revenues. Moreover, the general structure of the national economy may be optimized. Therefore, there is no conflict of interests between private and public sectors in relation to the legalization of cannabis. The current War of Drugs presents a serious threat to traditional American values and the state of the national economy. The US government is involved in this process declaring its devotion to promoting the public good. At the same time, the interests of a large number of people are harmed. First, marijuana users are subject to discrimination only because the government officials do not share their choice.

Second, responsible producers cannot enter this market because they are excluded from the market by the government. Third, some categories of people constitute the permanent underclass without any considerable social opportunities. They can access neither education nor adequate healthcare. Therefore, crime rates may remain very high within this group. If marijuana was legalized throughout the country, the government could collect taxes and reduce the general tax burden. At the present moment, the government not only does not collect any taxes from marijuana producers as its use and distribution are illegal , but imposes additional taxes on people for financing its anti-drug initiatives.

As a result, the current tax burden is very unfair. Ordinary taxpayers have to finance inefficient government policies. It is evident that the government cannot solve this problem because it cannot affect its main cause — the demand for marijuana and other drugs. As long as this demand exists, it will create incentives for entrepreneurs to satisfy it. The only difference is the institutional environment that exists. Under the traditional legal environment, the interests of all parties are taken into account and well-balanced. Under the conditions of artificial restrictions and prohibitions, the demand is only partially satisfied, the prices are extremely high, and the interests of consumers are systematically violated.

Therefore, the government involvement in this process cannot improve the situation even from a pure theoretical point of view. All government initiatives are financed either through taxes or through inflation. In any case, ordinary citizens have to actually pay for all these initiatives. Thus, the government restricts the rights of people to use marijuana although it contradicts the fundamental principles of individual liberty exposed in the US Constitution. Moreover, it tries to achieve this purpose through imposing additional taxes on the rest of the population. If their choices do not represent the acts of direct aggression against others, they should not experience any prohibitions from the government. Taking into account all abovementioned considerations, it is reasonable to abolish all current practices and measures associated with the War of Drugs.

The first step is the legalization of marijuana. There are two ways of achieving this purpose. The first one is through initiatives at the federal level. The second one is through nullification of the current drug laws at the level of specific states. Colorado and Washington are successful in demonstrating that it may be realized under current conditions. Thus, the second option seems even more realistic under current conditions. The empirical reality is such that all people are different. As a result, some choices of others seem to not be well-grounded or even irrational. However, this tendency is very dangerous. It threatens the essence of a democratic society and principles of peaceful cooperation among people.

As everyone may constitute a minority in some situations, everyone may be coerced. All other rights cannot be effectively enforced if human rights regarding their consumption habits are not recognized. Therefore, the question of marijuana legalization is especially relevant nowadays. Although the issue of potential marijuana legalization causes much controversy among the US public, an objective analysis demonstrates that the legalization of marijuana is the only correct decision that should be made. It will allow harmonizing the interests of all parties. Consumers will enjoy lower prices and higher quality of marijuana. Moreover, they will be able to control quality and differentiate among producers choosing the most reliable ones.

Efficient producers will be able to increase their revenues and operate in the legal environment. The government can obtain additional taxes and reduce its budget deficit. The rest of the population may also experience some positive effects because the overall tax burden will decline. Moreover, the social environment will become safer. Numerous empirical examples from different regions of the world show that the legalization of marijuana always leads to socially positive results decreasing crime rates and leading to other positive long-term effects. Therefore, the legalization of cannabis is both a desirable and practical initiative.

The practical steps towards this goal include the abolition of the War on Drugs and establishing equal rights for all US citizens. The current legal norms may be revised either at the federal level or through initiatives of specific states. The second option is even more attractive in the 21st century. If people do not initiate aggression against other members of society, the government and other institutions should not interfere with their actions. This is the foundation of a free society. The legalization of marijuana is an important step towards the complete realization of democratic principles in the US and other countries of the world. If you are a freshman, you may not be familiar with what annotated bibliography presumes.

The generally accepted rules state that annotated bibliography is a usual writing task which entails the enumeration of all sources that will be utilized the research paper according to their relevance to the discussion of the topic. It is not that easy to write annotated bibliography on the legalization of marijuana. Therefore, if you need any kind of writing assistance, do not hesitate to contact us as we employ the most diligent writers to work on your annotated bibliography. Whenever you decide to write your brand new annotated bibliography, do not forget that you have to list all sources and analyze their content indicating their central arguments. Moreover, in order to get good grade in your project, you have to select only credible sources, not random websites with anonymous articles on your topic.

It is a widely known governmental publication that offers explicit information about the use of medical marijuana. The first claim that reader might come across is that the usage of marijuana has drastically negative effects on our health and well-being in general. Moreover, it causes nothing more than negative behavior among individuals who have become cannabis addicts. Moreover, usually marijuana addicts are common students who skip classes and transform their way of conduct. However, the research findings presented in the publication have sustained numerous changes since much has changed from Therefore, students are able to compare the results and findings of this author with the abovementioned researchers.

Huba offered the documentation of various protocols that were gathered during the research of the topic. The book was published by the National Institute of Drug Abuse. In order to obtain the whole picture of effects of medical marijuana use, researchers must dedicate much their attention to the surveys, questionnaires and fill in the blanks tests that will help to get the needed data about the influences and impacts of marijuana usage. Although ordinary people will show their reflection of the problem, this research will be indeed useful while conducting medical research. Medical research has to be closely related with the sociological research regarding legalizing marijuana. The author of the case study reflected on the hilarious case that approves the use of medical marijuana.

In order to help her child become socially active and adapt to societal requirements, mother conducted experiments with different forms of treatment. All traditional psychoanalytic sessions did not help and mother even tried a great deal of drugs in attempt to decrease the cases of violent behavior. The most hilarious in this case that when mother gave medical marijuana to her son, DD behavior completely changed. There were no more occasions with violent behavior, whereas DD got acquainted with new friends as if he was given a new lease of life. Moreover, he helped his classmates with home assignments. Nevertheless, this case study is very cognitive for those who would like to promote the use of medical marijuana in a more anecdotal voice.

The author of the article wrote about marijuana addiction through the lens of neuroscience. Lester Grinspoon presented vivid and profound scientific data against the legalization of marijuana, which mostly causes nothing more than addiction. Author mentions about the connection of brain with THC, whereas our brain does not have a reward center. Thus, marijuana causes addition among its users. The author shows specific examples on how this reward center works and presents its possible implications. Therefore, the topic of legalizing marijuana is presented from a completely different perspective. If you do not know how to write down all your ideas in annotated bibliography, please ask our diligent and talented writers to do it for you.

In comparison to the abovementioned discussion of legalizing marijuana in the medical context, Erich Goode discusses the topic in relation to the political aspect. The author claims that some politicians make anecdotal claims about medical marijuana misusage, which do not have any scientific evidence. Moreover, writer disproved some historically used notions that fight against the legalization of marijuana. Therefore, the article of Goode is very cognitive for those who promote legalization of medical marijuana, supported with relevant historical and political details on the topic. This article is very useful for those students who would like to present both advantages and drawbacks of legalizing medical marijuana and its usage among patients and common people.

One may find numerous reviews of physicians from various scientific fields on the use of medical marijuana. While promoting the use of cannabis, many doctors stated that it is indeed helpful and makes and indispensible element of the alternative treatment. Moreover, other drugs do not show such high efficiency rates in comparison to medical marijuana. Moreover, most physicians that participated in the research claim that this kind of treatment does not impact human health in a negative way, even of patients use medical marijuana on a permanent basis. Therefore, if students have not made their mind yet whether medical marijuana should be used or not, this is exactly the source to find all pros and cons and discuss the topic with more scientific details.

One more perspective has not been discussed — pharmacological. Redda Kinfe discusses the use of medical marijuana from a pharmacological perspective and provides vivid evidence on how it influences most of human organs, general behavior and brain in particular. Author gives explicit details on all processes that occur and are distorted in brain after marijuana usage. If you would like to disprove the use of medical marijuana based on the pharmacological standpoint, it is exactly the article you need to incorporate in your research paper. If you do not know how to utilize evidence in your paper to support your claims, our custom essay writers are ready to assist you right now. The article is very cognitive as it offers the links between the patients with cancer and usage of medical marijuana.

Research conducted by the authors is more than deep and profound as approximately 65, citizens of California with different types of cancer took part in the experiment. All of them were exposed to the daily usage of marijuana. Moreover, researchers paid much to other influences such as alcohol consumption and smoking among respondents. However, researchers came to conclusion — people smoking marijuana believe to be exposed to a bigger risk of having cancer than ordinary citizens. If you would like to analyze the legalization of cannabis from a perspective of health conditions, this article must be taken into consideration. The author of the article discusses how fast medical marijuana transforms from the societal fad into the special treatment of patients with fatal and complex diseases.

There are numerous facts that disprove the usage of medical marijuana on the societal level that are based on the cultural flaws. However, the aspect of legalizing marijuana must be discussed according to such categories as sex, health, demographics, etc. Moreover, the article of Peterson Robert deeply discusses how marijuana affects the motor skills, work of all organs, especially brain. Therefore, if one desires to promote or disprove the usage of medical marijuana, article by Peterson will be highly beneficial for its presented data obtained from numerous researches. However, if you believe that you cannot effectively cover the topic of medical marijuana usage and its consequences, we offer you to buy a research paper from us right now and make your life easier.

It is the article which emphasizes on the importance of discussion marijuana usage from a historical perspective. how many US citizens used to be marijuana addicts in relation to the federal laws. Moreover, author mentions about historical analysis of occasions when medical marijuana can be used and when it must be completely restricted. State governments therefore use a lot of funds to support law enforcement agencies that seek to uphold laws prohibiting the use of marijuana Sanger, Since these actions do not limit consumption of marijuana, state governments should legalize the drug so as to save taxpayers money. Another advantage of marijuana is that it is less noxious than other legal substances. According to research, marijuana is the least harmful drug among the many legal drugs existent in the world today Owen, There are millions of campaigns every year cautioning people against smoking cigarettes, but there has been none seeking to warn people about marijuana consumption Owen, Lobby groups have even been making efforts to push for legalization of marijuana.

If marijuana had severe health effects as many purport, state governments would be investing heavily in campaigns aimed at discouraging its consumption Owen, According to studies, alcohol, which is legal in many countries, is times more harmful than marijuana Owen, Therefore, if such harmful substances can be legalized, then there are no justifications as to why marijuana should not be legalized. Further, marijuana has been proven to have medicinal benefits. Several countries, particularly in Europe, and the United States have legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana.

Their move to legalize marijuana was based on medical reports that showed a variety of health benefits linked to the drug Noonan, Research shows that marijuana can reduce seizures in epileptic persons. Several studies have also proven that the drug indeed has a variety of health benefits. For instance, Charlotte Figi, who is now aged 10, used to have more than seizures every month at age three, but since Colorado legalized medicinal and recreational marijuana, her parents started treating her with the substance, and today her seizures have significantly reduced Noonan, Marijuana has as well been proven to reduce nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Owing to this medicinal value, state governments should consider legalizing the drug.

Additionally, marijuana has been proven to be a stress reliever. Consumption of the drug causes excitement among its users enabling them to forget about troubling situations. Unlike alcohol which is likely to aggravate stress and depression, marijuana works wonders in alleviating anxiety and depression Sanger, There are many health and social effects associated with stress, including mental disorders and violence against others Sanger, To avoid cases of stress-related violence and mental disorders, state governments should make marijuana consumption legal. There are many misconceptions about marijuana in the world today.

People have continued to ignore the health benefits linked with this substance and have instead focused on citing yet-to-be proven misconceptions. Owing to the ability of the drug to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals, governments should seriously consider its legalization. The legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from sustaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption. So far, there is more than enough evidence proving that marijuana has lots of benefits to individuals, the society, and the government, and therefore should be legalized. Head, T. Markol, T. Marijuana Reform. Noonan, D. Scientific American. Owen, P. New York Times. Sanger, B. Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society.

There are many misconceptions about marijuana existent in the modern world. People have continued to ignore health benefits linked to this substance citing their unproven beliefs. Owing to its ability to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals governments should highly consider marijuana legalization. Its legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from maintaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption.

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