Thursday, February 17, 2022

Essay on teacher

Essay on teacher

Think, will you be able to deal with troubled youth and bad behavior day by day? Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Fresh ideas started popping right up, essay on teacher. Then I re-evaluate what I want for myself, and what it is that keeps me working towards my dreams. For over two years Essay on teacher worked alongside Congolese refugees in Rwanda, developing educational opportunities for youths who could not finish secondary school in the underfunded camps.

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher: A teacher is a facilitator who interacts with the learners to encourage better learning. A positive impact of a teacher on students goes long and leaves an everlasting impression. The presence essay on teacher a teacher is not only to impart knowledge but also mould the character and personality of pupils, essay on teacher. It is the role of an excellent teacher to build students psychologically, physically and intellectually. Below we have provided My Favourite Teacher Essay in English, suitable for students of class 3, 4, essay on teacher, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in easy and simple words. This essay is essay on teacher for aspirants preparing for the competitive exam too!

What is essay on teacher with you? Is there a problem, essay on teacher, if yes kindly let me know? Were the questions asked to us by my most favourite teacher Mrs Rupali who tried to comfort and understand our problems. She was our English teacher who was smart, intelligent, beautiful and 40 years old. A person who followed a simple living and high thinking principle, essay on teacher. Her attributes were pleasing, and everybody loved her soft tone. She always looked sober and was essay on teacher highly experienced professional, essay on teacher. She was a post-graduate in English and Social Studies and was a trained dancer. The best part of her personality was, she never believed in punishment instead offered us the opportunity to improve our habits and behaviour.

Her teaching method was out of the box, including unique and creative ways. Since she knew many students had difficulty in reading and speaking English, she used to conduct additional classes where students were motivated to learn through role-play and acting. We were given assignments to prepare scripts for drama and debate. Her homework used to be unusual and different from other teachers who always motivated our zeal. Under her guidance, our school won many competitions in elocution, essay writing and debate. Her class used to be engaging and exciting. She was a great narrator and explained our poems and lessons through stories. Our grammar lessons were taught through videos and audible lessons.

However, she displayed a sober essay on teacher simple look but also had a humorous side to her personality, essay on teacher. Several times, she introduced us to essay on teacher books and novels that could harness essay on teacher skills. Her suggested books were mostly award-winning and highly acclaimed among the masses. Once she took us to a literary program conducted by her teacher. That is the time we realised that she is not just the best teacher but even a good student too. Her patience and resilience were the traits that made her famous and unique in the school. Every child loved and admired her for her graceful nature.

We were blessed to have such an excellent teacher who believed in parity and treated everyone equally. She was reputed not only in our schools but in other schools as well because of her exemplary teaching skills and cheerful character. Even the parents respected her and approached her for valuable advice. As a member of the board in school, she made sure discipline and creativity are imparted in the classes. Moreover, we were fortunate to witness her ex-students meeting and taking essay on teacher blessings. Lastly, in my opinion, the best teacher is the one who inspires and persuades children to follow and achieve their goal.

She assists the child in paving the way and creating a place that the child craves and desires for. Mrs Rupali was the teacher who saw good in everyone and had a positive outlook. Classroom learning was based on morals instead of instructions. Below we have provided a short essay on my favourite teacher, usually given for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 school students. My favourite teacher was Ms Rose, who used to teach us science and maths. She completed her studies from America and essay on teacher teaching in India. Her eyes were brown in colour and hair blonde. She was tall and thin. With spectacles on her face, she always smiled at everyone with those sparkling eyes. Her personality seemed strict when I first met her; however, essay on teacher, she was opposite.

Her loving, caring and motivating nature made her the most favourite teacher among the students. Not only her behaviour but her teaching skills were distinctive. Her sense of humour, patient and easy-going character brought life into the class. Every student loved her method of teaching and was attentive and active during her course. For many students, science and maths have been the tough subjects to crack. I was one of them who was essay on teacher in both the subjects. Like me, many others faced the same issue. In class, she insisted us to ask questions and clear our doubts. In between classes, she always used to share the culture of the US and how she faired in her school.

Furthermore, essay on teacher, she possessed an optimistic attitude towards life and encouraged us to engage in productive activities, take up community service every weekend, hones our skills, takes up a hobby and turns it into a passion. Her thoughts and way of life differed from many of us as she followed her heart and displayed humanitarian character. Her modest and mild disposition always inspired essay on teacher friends and me. I love and admire her the most and hope to become like her. Your email address will not be published.

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Some students are hardworking but are introverts, while other students are naturally aggressive, hence distracting others affecting the learning environment. Students have varied abilities; other students might not fit in a highly competitive learning environment. Teachers need to address such challenges by not only being extremely patient. Teachers need to be lenient at the same time be strict, any excess of any of the two might hinder students from learning effectively. The effective teacher-student relationship evolves and needs time, teacher act as mothers for students during their early years in school. They guide them and encourage them to be positive about life. As students progress to secondary level, teachers focus more on academic achievement forgetting about the life values.

Concentrating on academic achievements alone and not instilling moral values might affect student personality. There is the need for teachers to make adjusted in their teaching approaches to accommodate student varied need. Students come from mixed cultural and social backgrounds; therefore, teachers need incorporate the different values to make students feel part of the learning process. Giving individualized student attention means allocating appropriate time to address different needs of students. Having a better understanding of students means understanding their values, their weak areas, and challenges and addressing them individually. Being able to develop a level of understanding with every student, they will feel valued, and this would boost their self-esteem.

All these positive behavior will be reflected in their grades and their general behavior. All these require being present within them throughout the day. A larger class would mean spending more time with many students that can be difficult. Teachers need to provide individualized attention to each student; therefore, a small class would be a better environment for both teachers and students. Building a positive relationship with students makes students positive about school in general. Students become free to make mistakes and seek help whenever necessary. It is not surprising that research studies reveal that constructive teacher student relationship has positively affected student academic performance.

Any teacher who wants to make a real and lasting difference among his students need to put more effort in building high-performance students through effective interaction and creating a conducive learning environment for all his students. Buy Essay Pay For Essay Write My Essay Homework Writing Help Essay Editing Service Thesis Writing Help Write My College Essay Do My Essay Term Paper Writing Service Coursework Writing Service Write My Research Paper Assignment Writing Help Essay Writing Help. Login Order now. This type of relationship is important because it affects the student 's learning and the respect they have for me. Students want an educator they can also ask for help without being scared. Home Page My Inspiration: My Role Model, My Teacher. My Inspiration: My Role Model, My Teacher Good Essays.

Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. My Inspiration, My Role Model, My Teacher A good teacher is one that motivates the students to always keep trying and do their best. Teachers have an important part in our lives and they impact us every day. Not only do they teach us something new each passing day, they also give us lessons that we will use in every decision we make in our lives. Luckily, I was able to have a teacher who pushed me beyond all my limits and always believed in me. That marvelous teacher was my fourth-grade teacher, Mrs. Alvarado was not only my teacher, but she was also my role model and my inspiration. She pushed me when I believed that I could not achieve success or meet my goals.

I never had confidence in myself and I would always give up easily when a task was too difficult. However, Mrs. Alvarado never gave up on me and continued to motivate me even through my tantrums. My low confidence came from me not being able to be at the same level as the other students. In fact, I had trouble with reading and writing because of the …show more content… In fact, I cannot think of a day she was not smiling. I can describe her as a happy, passionate person who loved her job and everything she did. Her personality really shined through when she would greet us in the morning and especially throughout the whole day. I feel like Mrs. Alvarado truly impacted my life as a student and as an individual. She is the very reason why I want to be a teacher.

In fact, I want to incorporate the same qualities into my work and inspire my students just as she did for me. Overall, I want to be that teacher who impacts her students and shapes them into becoming responsible and respectful individuals. I want to be that teacher that my students will remember. Get Access. Satisfactory Essays. Teaching Internship Paper Words 4 Pages. Teaching Internship Paper. Read More. Good Essays. The Importance Of Internship Words 3 Pages. The Importance Of Internship. Philosophy of Education Words 1 Pages. Philosophy of Education.

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