Physician-Assisted Suicide in the Euthanasia essay introduction States While it is legal in only seven states and Washington DC, euthanasia essay introduction, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia essay introduction, is a topic of growing controversy. According to this perspective greatest happiness to greatest number of people is ethical. Short on a deadline? The main difference with assisted suicide is that the act of euthanasia requires a physician to carry out the procedure, generally by administrating a lethal dose of a substance to a patient. Physician Assisted Suicide: the Growing Issue of Dying with Dignity and Euthanasia Is someone wanting to die with dignity more important than the conscience of a doctor who provides care for others? It is interesting and maybe useful to learn the answer and if there is right or wrong in those actions. Although there are both sides of the debate on euthanasia a common agreement between the two groups is that it involves killing a patient.
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Fierce deliberations concerning the sanctity of life have been in the public domain for a long time. Many nations around the globe have been engulfed in tussles with the church and euthanasia essay introduction rights organizations on many ethical and moral aspects of the legislation they enact. Among such issues is euthanasia, which although it is legally accepted in some countries, it still faces acute criticism from the religious realm. However, this view has not been the case as a growing number of nations have become rather accommodating insofar as legalizing euthanasia is concerned.
Therefore, euthanasia essay introduction, this essay seeks to examine the concept of euthanasia comprehensively with the view of illuminating its shortcomings to the conclusion that it is a concept not worth the attention it receives. In order to grasp the gist of the euthanasia essay introduction in this essay, it is important to first apprehend what the term euthanasia means and bring this meaning in the context of this essay. The English version of the word was thus coined from the two Greek words. The word has since received heavy attention from different people and as such, numerous definitions of the word exist. The definitions may vary based on the players in the chain of actions that eventually culminate in the death of the suffering patient, euthanasia essay introduction.
Euthanasia has become a multifaceted concept that needs a complex definition to accommodate all its aspects. However, for purposes of this essay, such a definition shall not be sought; instead, the different facets of the term shall be considered systematically in order to gain a holistic understanding of the term prior to discussing it. Euthanasia comes in several forms all of which have definitions. For purposes of this essay, all these forms of euthanasia shall be applied such that at the mention of the term euthanasia, any or all the terms could be in reference, euthanasia essay introduction.
Existing literature indicates that there is a growing public interest in euthanasia. This observation shows that the masses are becoming increasingly euthanasia essay introduction of the idea that they can voluntarily seek termination of life in circumstances under which they feel they are suffering for no good cause. He does not indicate whether he delivered the injection or not, but the point to note from this incident is that first, the author wrote the article about two decades ago and even then, the request had been made five years earlier, euthanasia essay introduction.
Secondly, the patient took the initiative to make such a request and was ready to compensate quite reasonably for the service. Studies that were conducted around the same time in Colorado and San Francisco revealed that 59 percent of physicians in Colorado would deliver a lethal injection to a patient in certain conditions, while 70 percent of physicians would do the same in San Francisco Terry It can only be imagined what is currently taking place behind the scenes in the medical field with the many pressures of life that are pressing the current generation. Most probably, the situation can only get worse. By using this incident as a reference point, it can be deduced that currently, the medical field is awash with cases of people paying chunks of money to facilitate the termination of their lives.
With the increasingly antagonistic nature of human relationships when it becomes clear that one can kill by simply making use of a physician, it means that so many people are dying prematurely in the name of euthanasia Hurst and Marion This aspect jeopardizes the sanctity of life greatly because life should be left to its author to determine its course. The medical field is one that should be governed by strict ethical codes that all its practitioners and trainees should be fully conscious of at all times for as long as they operate within this field.
This assertion holds because the field plays a pivotal role in preserving life, thus ensuring that people live for as long as practically possible. It is indeed a noble field; however, the advent of the euthanasia euthanasia essay introduction has interfered with the fundamental beliefs and belief systems that have governed this field for a long time. This observation is true for both the practitioner in the field and the trainee who is preparing for the field. Notably, in both cases, the implications are not good for the medical field.
The training received by doctors euthanasia essay introduction medical students is entrenched in the Hippocratic Injunction, viz. If euthanasia essay introduction is legalized for countries in which it is still illegalthen the essence of medical training would be in vain for the doctor will be expected to administer the lethal treatment. The burdens currently shouldered by the doctors are more than enough for them so that if any addition is done, what may ensue could surprise many. The excessive pressure euthanasia essay introduction drive doctors to do it on themselves to end their misery instead of carrying out euthanasia on other people. Clearly, expecting a doctor to champion the preservation of life and at the same time terminate some lives is a contradiction of roles and the medical field would be a mess Grewal et al.
The reason euthanasia essay introduction this occurrence is that there exists a certain level of trust in the relationship between the patient or their family and the doctor Grewal euthanasia essay introduction al. This element is the trust that the health condition of the patient could improve by seeking such care. This relationship would change if the doctor were also the legally acclaimed terminator of life, which in essence would be a breach of the trust that is supposed to exist between doctors and patients. Under such circumstances, no one will entrust the lives of their loved ones to doctors, and that move could lead to a chaotic situation, which is not desirable by any means, euthanasia essay introduction.
In addition to such implications, euthanasia can have far-reaching consequences in medical research. The reason it is administered, as derived from its definition, is to alleviate the suffering of a terminally ill patient. The medical research field has covered great milestones in the past discovering cures for all sorts of illnesses. For a terminal illness to exist, medical research in the area is going on to discover the cure. However, when it becomes clear that the law provides for the termination of the lives of the terminally ill, the implication is that the researcher may not be euthanasia essay introduction to conduct research with vigor.
In other words, euthanasia has the potential to undermine the extent of killing research in the area, thus affecting the entire field of medicine, euthanasia essay introduction. The relationship between the church and the euthanasia debate has been an antagonistic one since antiquity. The church, euthanasia essay introduction, being the moral authority in society, bears the burden of pointing society towards embracing best moral practices. Such practices should be in tandem with the religious beliefs held by the church. Interestingly, the church has been on a warring front with most of the medical developments of recent times. Euthanasia undermines the sanctity of life, which the church seeks to preserve and promote, hence the antagonistic relationship, euthanasia essay introduction.
Christians believe in the teachings of the Bible, euthanasia essay introduction, which strictly forbids killing Best This stand automatically disqualifies euthanasia for a Christian no matter the circumstances. The proponents of this concept euthanasia essay introduction always attempted to coat it with many inevitable circumstances to create an impression of there being no alternative except euthanasia itself. The value attached to life should go beyond what is currently given by many. Christianity teaches its adherents to value their lives because it is a gift from God the creator Jochemsen Letting go of life in the name of euthanasia would be to depart from the teachings of God, which could have far-reaching and undesirable consequences.
In an indirect manner, the proponents of euthanasia seem to say that life is only meaningful without suffering. This perspective to is against Christian teaching, which means that welcoming euthanasia for a Christian is equivalent to detaching oneself from the faith. The severity of the antagonistic nature of the relationship between religion and euthanasia is compounded by the position of the Muslim faith on the subject, euthanasia essay introduction. Islam just like Christianity is a monotheistic religion, which beliefs in one Deity, who is the author of life and thus has discretion over it Muhammad and Fauzi The Muslims too consider living a gift from God.
Anyone who propagates ideas of euthanasia is a criminal by the standards of the Muslim faith. Hinduism, just like Islam and Christianity, opposes euthanasia strongly. To Hindus, ahimsa sanctity of life must be upheld and that the best death is a conscious death Nimbalkar According to Hindu religious beliefs, the sanctity of life is the highest virtue. This cannot be breached and thus euthanasia is not acceptable in the Hindu religion, euthanasia essay introduction. The fact that the three religious perspectives all reject euthanasia as breaching their fundamental teachings and beliefs implies that euthanasia is a crime that euthanasia essay introduction not be encouraged at all.
By failing the moral test, euthanasia essay introduction, euthanasia can only be practiced by amoral characters that are not desirable in society. The concept of euthanasia as touted by its proponents can bring a patient euthanasia essay introduction a state of despondency where the patient easily gives up on life and dies. This state of affairs should not be encouraged. All human beings need to understand that life is very important and should be preserved no matter the prevailing conditions. By closely examining the tenets of euthanasia, it emerges that the propping ideas are founded on misconceptions, which no one has lived to dispel. Purportedly, euthanasia is carried out to alleviate pain and suffering, and thus the question that one should answer before thinking about euthanasia is whether there is really no suffering after death.
If it were possible to establish the conditions of the afterlife through research or experience, then proponents of the concept would have grounds to sustain their claim. The effects that the execution of euthanasia may have on, say, euthanasia essay introduction, family members or the doctor who executes it may turn out to be dangerous. Bearing the burden of being the cause of death may have negative psychological consequences, which underscores some of the fundamental issues that those pushing for the legalization of euthanasia need to address comprehensively before legalizing it. There are cases in which the patient may be unable to give instruction for euthanasia and the doctor decides to proceed with euthanasia without the permission of a third party, euthanasia essay introduction.
In such a case, euthanasia essay introduction, the doctor directly bears the burden of killing and psychological consequences that come with it. The proponents of euthanasia present its purported benefits to the public domain to create an impression of a harmless medical development that is worth as long as it is given a chance like many others. This kind of reasoning undermines the sanctity of life and thus it is misleading. Euthanasia proponents also claim that it grants a patient the option of choosing between the quality of life over the sanctity of life where choosing quality is opting for death Sanson et al.
It is not sensible to claim that there is any quality of life when in essence life has been terminated. Unfortunately, life support machines are referred to in this case euthanasia essay introduction it makes them sound so undesirable. This way of thinking too is a misleading impression, which is aimed at making people want to stop fighting to stay alive as should be the case. Based on euthanasia essay introduction three pro-euthanasia claims made, euthanasia essay introduction, it is clear that the purported benefits of the concept of euthanasia are not really benefits, but rather just excuses by those who want the legalization of the concept, euthanasia essay introduction. Euthanasia essay introduction concept of euthanasia has received great attention in the past and it will continue to do so as long as the human race still exists.
Unfortunately, many nations seem to be warming up to the idea of legalizing euthanasia. However, whether legalized or not, it is clear that this concept undermines the essence of human existence and thus physicians should remain steadfast and hold their ground to uphold their good training and its ethos. This assertion holds because human life is very important and it needs to be preserved notwithstanding sufferings for pain has remedies, which are far much better than the scourge of euthanasia, euthanasia essay introduction.
Euthanasia should be treated as a crime and its perpetrator should be strictly euthanasia essay introduction with in accordance with the law if apprehended. Emanuel, Ezekiel. Goel, Viabhav. Grewal, Bhajneek, Jennifer Harrison, and Euthanasia essay introduction Jeffrey. Hurst, Samia, and Alex Mauron, euthanasia essay introduction. Jochemsen, Henk. Muhammad, Yusuf, euthanasia essay introduction, and Muhammed Fauzi. Sanson, Ann, Elizabeth Dickens, Beatrice Melita, euthanasia essay introduction, Mary Nixon, Justin Rowe, Anne Tudor, euthanasia essay introduction, and Michael Tyrell. Terry, Peter. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional euthanasia essay introduction for you?
certified writers online. Euthanasia Concept.
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Physician assisted […]. A death by suicide. How could someone get to the point of self-termination? Why would anybody ever consider such a terrible way to die? The thing is, suicide does not have to be a terrible or scary way to die if one is faced […]. Physician-assisted suicide is closely related to it and is a popular study topic in college. The main difference with assisted suicide is that the act of euthanasia requires a physician to carry out the procedure, generally by administrating a lethal dose of a substance to a patient. Every country has a different law regarding the practice. Euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands, Belgium, Colombia, Luxembourg, and Canada. Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Hawaii, Vermont, and Montana.
While many people view the right to die as basic human right euthanasia can raise moral questions, too. It is a widely studied topic and one with many polar opinions. There are lots of health professional courses that require in-depth essays on various topics related to the pros and cons of euthanasia. We offer help when it comes to the topic and has a variety of examples from the persuasive essay style to argumentative essay style. Any essay on euthanasia that a student writes is likely to need a strong introduction, debate, and conclusion as well as a detailed outline of the case at hand. We offer pro writing on the complex topic.
Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics. Euthanasia Pros and Cons Medical advances over the past hundred years have extend the life expectancy astronomically. Why Euthanasia should be Legalised Did you know that the word euthanasia comes from Greek which means good death? Euthanasia Debate The intention to deliberately help someone accelerate the death of an incurable patient, even to stop his or her suffering has never been an easy task. Assisted Suicide the Rights we have The right to assisted suicide is one of the most controversial topics ever discussed because of the fact that other people control your life when you are unable to.
Arguments for Legalizing Euthanasia I once heard euthanasia is a heart-wrenching kindness and i believe that to be true. The Controversy over Euthanasia Euthanasia, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals such as persons or domestic animals in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy. Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide Peter is a year-old who decided to take early retirement to enjoy life and not work so hard. Physician Assisted Suicide: the Growing Issue of Dying with Dignity and Euthanasia Is someone wanting to die with dignity more important than the conscience of a doctor who provides care for others? Should Assisted Suicide be an Option?
Why Active Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide should be Legalized This reference source gives us an overview of why euthanasia should be legalized. Euthanasia — One of the most Debated Topics Today The topic of euthanasia is one of the most debated topics today. Physician-assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia have become some of the most highly controversial topics discussed in medicine, making those who have medicine as an occupation question the morality behind the act. Ethics Behind Physician-Assisted Suicide Assisted suicide is the act of intentionally killing yourself with the assistance of someone else.
Physician-assisted Suicide: Right to Die You may have heard of Physician-assisted suicide before, but what exactly is it? Physician-Assisted Suicide in the United States While it is legal in only seven states and Washington DC, physician-assisted suicide, is a topic of growing controversy. Ethics and Challenges of Euthanasia As there are other patients who have a higher chance of living, euthanizing the patient was the more practical option. The Right to Assisted Suicide in United States The right to assisted suicide is a significant topic that concerns people all over the United States. The Ban on Euthanasia Imagine your girl best friend gets into a car crash. Physician Assisted Suicide an Oxymoron Among the topics that currently very polarizing and controversial in our society we find physician assisted suicide.
The Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia The Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia Healthcare is huge in our day to day lives and raises many concerns. There are cases in which the patient may be unable to give instruction for euthanasia and the doctor decides to proceed with euthanasia without the permission of a third party. In such a case, the doctor directly bears the burden of killing and psychological consequences that come with it. The proponents of euthanasia present its purported benefits to the public domain to create an impression of a harmless medical development that is worth as long as it is given a chance like many others.
This kind of reasoning undermines the sanctity of life and thus it is misleading. Euthanasia proponents also claim that it grants a patient the option of choosing between the quality of life over the sanctity of life where choosing quality is opting for death Sanson et al. It is not sensible to claim that there is any quality of life when in essence life has been terminated. Unfortunately, life support machines are referred to in this case for it makes them sound so undesirable. This way of thinking too is a misleading impression, which is aimed at making people want to stop fighting to stay alive as should be the case. Based on the three pro-euthanasia claims made, it is clear that the purported benefits of the concept of euthanasia are not really benefits, but rather just excuses by those who want the legalization of the concept.
The concept of euthanasia has received great attention in the past and it will continue to do so as long as the human race still exists. Unfortunately, many nations seem to be warming up to the idea of legalizing euthanasia. However, whether legalized or not, it is clear that this concept undermines the essence of human existence and thus physicians should remain steadfast and hold their ground to uphold their good training and its ethos. This assertion holds because human life is very important and it needs to be preserved notwithstanding sufferings for pain has remedies, which are far much better than the scourge of euthanasia. Euthanasia should be treated as a crime and its perpetrator should be strictly dealt with in accordance with the law if apprehended.
Emanuel, Ezekiel. Goel, Viabhav. Grewal, Bhajneek, Jennifer Harrison, and David Jeffrey. Hurst, Samia, and Alex Mauron. Jochemsen, Henk. Muhammad, Yusuf, and Muhammed Fauzi. Sanson, Ann, Elizabeth Dickens, Beatrice Melita, Mary Nixon, Justin Rowe, Anne Tudor, and Michael Tyrell. Terry, Peter. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Euthanasia Concept. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents. Introduction An overview of Euthanasia Ethical Implications of Euthanasia Implications of Euthanasia to the Medical Field Moral Implications of Euthanasia Psychological Implications of Euthanasia The purported benefits of euthanasia Conclusion Works Cited.
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Euthanasia essay conclusion is the last part of your paper. The approximate number of sentences is , like for introduction. It might seem, that the number of possible topics for euthanasia essay is quite limited. Still, there is an opportunity to diversify your title and make your article a bit more interesting. There is always a possibility to consider all the pros and cons of euthanasia and try to predict the consequences of legalization. Go through several books and articles before defining your topic. As we have already mentioned, this issue has loads of benefits and pitfalls. Dying is not a crime. However, you should respect their rights to live and die.
Cons of legalization:. Who could do that? Prove your point of view, add statistics, personal stories, etc. People would want to read that. No time to complete your paper on euthanasia? Well, our writers have a bunch of time! Order your essay in several clicks and enjoy your evening. Home Blog How To Write A Top-Notch Euthanasia Essay? How To Write A Top-Notch Euthanasia Essay?
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